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ifcfg(8) [bsd man page]

IFCFG(8)							       Linux								  IFCFG(8)

ifcfg - simplistic script which replaces ifconfig IP management SYNOPSIS
ifcfg [ DEVICE ] [ command ] ADDRESS [ PEER ] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the ifcfg command. This is a simplistic script replacing one option of ifconfig , namely, IP address management. It not only adds addresses, but also carries out Duplicate Address Detection RFC-DHCP, sends unsolicited ARP to update the caches of other hosts sharing the interface, adds some con- trol routes and restarts Router Discovery when it is necessary. IFCONFIG - COMMAND SYNTAX DEVICE - it may have alias, suffix, separated by colon. command - add, delete or stop. ADDRESS - optionally followed by prefix length. peer - optional peer address for pointpoint interfaces. NOTES
This script is not suitable for use with IPv6. SEE ALSO
IP Command reference iproute2 September 24 2009 IFCFG(8)

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IFCFG-VLAN(5)						       Network configuration						     IFCFG-VLAN(5)

ifcfg-vlan - virtual LAN interface configuration SYNOPSIS
/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan* Virtual LANs (802.1q) To setup a vlan interface you need a configuration file that contains at least the mandatory ETHERDEVICE variable with the real interface used for the virtual LAN. Further, it may contain the optional VLAN_ID variable that specifies the VLAN ID. By default and when the VLAN_ID variable is not set, the number at the end of the interface name is the VLAN ID. Preferably the interface name and the configuration file follow the VLAN interface name scheme (type), that is either: ifcfg-vlan<VLAN-ID> (e.g. ifcfg-vlan42) or ifcfg-name.<VLAN-ID> (e.g. ifcfg-eth0.42) The VLAN-ID can be also 0-padded (e.g. ifcfg-vlan0042 or ifcfg-eth0.0042). Also in case of custom names, trailing digits are interpreted as VLAN-ID by default (e.g. ifcfg-dmz42). When VLAN_ID is set in the config, the interface name have any name (e.g. ifcfg-foobar). Note: The drawback of custom interface names and VLAN_ID usage is, that a rename of the interface is required and that they violate the name scheme. The real interface will be set UP automatically and doesn't need a config file in case of a physical interface. But without a config file YaST will consider this interface as unused, if will not follow hotplug events and you're unable to apply any settings, e.g. ETH- TOOL_OPTIONS. To avoid that, provide an config file with at least STARTMODE='auto'. The rest of the VLAN interface IP and routes configuration do not differ from ordinary interfaces. See also man ifcfg and man routes for details. EXAMPLES
Sets up vlan3 vlan interface on top of eth0: ifcfg-vlan3 STARTMODE='auto' ETHERDEVICE='eth0' IPADDR='' Sets up eth0.3 vlan interface on top of eth0: ifcfg-eth0.3 STARTMODE='auto' ETHERDEVICE='eth0' IPADDR='' Sets up lan1 vlan interface with ID 42 on top of eth0: ifcfg-lan1 STARTMODE='auto' ETHERDEVICE='eth0' VLAN_ID='42' IPADDR='' BUGS
Please report bugs at <> AUTHOR
Christian Zoz <> Michal Svec <> Bjoern Jacke Mads Martin Joergensen <> Michal Ludvig <> Marius Tomaschewski <> SEE ALSO
routes(5), ifcfg(5), ifup(8). sysconfig August 2004 IFCFG-VLAN(5)
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