7z crashes system

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat 7z crashes system
# 1  
Old 07-06-2011
7z freezez system

Can someone tell my why every time I try to use 7z it freezes my system? I can't move my mouse, I can't type, I can't kill my xsession. I then restart my system and everything returns to normal. When I try to use 7z my system again freezes.

Last edited by cokedude; 07-06-2011 at 10:30 PM.. Reason: bad word choice
# 2  
Old 07-06-2011
What do you mean by "crashes your system"? How are you using it?

7z crashing your system, if you mean a catastrophic failure of some sort, is very unusual and may point to memory errors or some other hardware problem. I remember you complaining about random utilities segfaulting before, did you get that resolved?
# 3  
Old 07-06-2011
Originally Posted by Corona688
What do you mean by "crashes your system"? How are you using it?

7z crashing your system, if you mean a catastrophic failure of some sort, is very unusual and may point to memory errors or some other hardware problem. I remember you complaining about random utilities segfaulting before, did you get that resolved?
Sorry wrong word choice. It freezes my system. I can't move my mouse, I can't type, I can't kill my xsession. I then restart my system and everything returns to normal. When I try to use 7z my system again freezes.

It was ps that was having a segmentation fault. It lasted for about 3 days. I don't understand what caused it or how it got fixed. I just used top instead. That took care of the job for me. I do a bit of simple programming so it was quite surprising to see a segmentation fault when I was not programming.

I guess I should go back to Linux Mint or Ubuntu. I never had this many problems with those two os's. There was good documentation about everything your heart could desire. I didn't have to ask a ton of questions like I have to do now. I could just use google. I have not been able to find good documentation of Fedora. Two examples are dual monitors and startup scripts. I know I can't be the first person to want to use dual monitors and startup scripts with Fedora.
# 4  
Old 07-06-2011
Originally Posted by COKEDUDE
It was ps that was having a segmentation fault. It lasted for about 3 days. I don't understand what caused it or how it got fixed. I just used top instead. That took care of the job for me.
That's a longwinded way of saying 'no'. Smilie ps wouldn't be crashing on a properly functioning system, period; and if you didn't find the problem, it's still there.

It might have been just one corrupted file if it was just ps. But if 7z is not merely crashing, but freezing your entire system? You've (still) got memory errors, or a hardware problem. Kernel bug isn't impossible but hardware seems more likely. At the very least run memtest86 for a while.
I guess I should go back to Linux Mint or Ubuntu. I never had this many problems with those two os's.
As I said in your other thread, this is extremely unusual and usually points to a hardware problem. You can hardly blame the OS for failing hardware.

You're going to have a hard time guilting us over your difficulty when you seemed to pay so little attention to it.
# 5  
Old 07-06-2011
ps should never segfault. Period. IS this an ancient version? 9 or something earlier?

Did you load up a bunch of system utilities from the HPUX Porting Centre?
# 6  
Old 07-07-2011
Originally Posted by Corona688

At the very least run memtest86 for a while. As I said in your other thread, this is extremely unusual and usually points to a hardware problem. You can hardly blame the OS for failing hardware.
Is there a version of this in one of the fedora repositories? Is there a difference between these 2 sites with memtest?
Memtest86 - Download Page
Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

Originally Posted by Corona688

You're going to have a hard time guilting us over your difficulty when you seemed to pay so little attention to it.
Sorry that wasn't my intention. How do you recommend I pay more attention to my system then?

Originally Posted by jim mcnamara
ps should never segfault. Period. IS this an ancient version? 9 or something earlier?

Did you load up a bunch of system utilities from the HPUX Porting Centre?
I assume you were asking my fedora version? ps isn't even close to version 9. I am using fedora 15.

ps --version
procps version 3.2.8

Since I don't know what HPUX Porting Centre I am going to assume I don't have it.

This is all of the software I have attempted to install on my system. I always use command line so I know this is it. A few of them I know don't exist I was just checking if they exist.

su -c 'yum install system-switch-displaymanager'
su -c 'yum install switchdesk-gui'
sudo yum install vlc
sudo yum install netconfig
sudo yum install gsstreamer
sudo yum install gstreamer
su -c "/usr/bin/yum install dhcp"
sudo yum install iproute
sudo yum install iproute
sudo yum install shutter
sudo yum install shutter
sudo yum install unrar
sudo yum install p7zip p7zip-plugins
sudo yum install unrar
sudo yum install 7z
sudo yum install p7zip-plugins.i686
sudo yum install p7zip.i686
sudo yum install p7zip
sudo yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly
sudo yum groupinstall gstreamer
sudo yum groupinstall "gstreamer"
sudo yum groupinstall gstreamer
sudo yum install kcontrol
sudo yum install kcontrol
sudo yum install chromium
sudo yum install chromium
sudo yum install gnome-keyboard-properties
sudo yum install gnome-keyboard-properties
sudo yum install tetris
sudo yum install emacs22-el
sudo yum install emacs-snapshot-el
sudo yum install crack-attack
sudo yum install Bastet
sudo yum install bastet
sudo yum install gtetrinet.i586
sudo yum install ltris
sudo yum install sugar-implode
sudo yum install quadrapassel
sudo yum install Gnometris
sudo yum install nometris
sudo yum install gnometris
sudo yum install gnome-games-extra
sudo yum install quadrapassel
sudo yum install gcc
sudo yum install bind
sudo yum install system-config-bind
sudo yum install system-config-bind
sudo yum install system-config-display
sudo yum install system-config-display
sudo yum install Xinerama
sudo yum install xinerama
sudo yum install xinerama
sudo yum install aticonfig
sudo yum install krandtray
sudo yum install xinerama
sudo yum install Fglrx 
sudo yum install fglrx 
sudo yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk.i686
sudo yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-src.i686
sudo yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-src.i686
sudo yum install ipv6
sudo yum install ipv6
sudo yum install kazehakase
sudo yum install amaya
sudo yum install emacs
sudo yum install galeon
sudo yum install iceweasal
sudo yum install kazehakase
sudo yum install kdebase
sudo yum install mozilla
sudo yum install iceweasal
sudo yum install camino
sudo yum install seamonkey
sudo yum install links
sudo yum install lynx
sudo yum install rekonq
sudo yum install uzbl
sudo yum install kazehakase
sudo yum install iceweasal
sudo yum install swiftweasal
sudo yum install swiftfox
sudo yum install midori
sudo yum install swiftfox
sudo yum install flock
sudo yum install arora
sudo yum install amaya
sudo yum install mythbrowser
sudo yum install dooble
sudo yum install netsurf
sudo yum install songbird
sudo yum install songbird
sudo yum install epiphany-extensions.i686
sudo yum install icedtea-web.i686
sudo yum install surf
sudo yum install surf
sudo yum install g++
sudo yum install binutils
sudo yum install gcc-c++
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo yum install gcc
sudo yum install memtest86
sudo yum install memtest

# 7  
Old 07-07-2011
I would suggest you use memtest86+ (better from my point of view) and use a bootable ISO image, to remove any issues regarding your kernel.
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