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banner(6) [bsd man page]

BANNER(6)							   Games Manual 							 BANNER(6)

banner - print large banner on printer SYNOPSIS
/usr/games/banner [ -wn ] message ... DESCRIPTION
Banner prints a large, high quality banner on the standard output. If the message is omitted, it prompts for and reads one line of its standard input. If -w is given, the output is scrunched down from a width of 132 to n , suitable for a narrow terminal. If n is omitted, it defaults to 80. The output should be printed on a hard-copy device, up to 132 columns wide, with no breaks between the pages. The volume is great enough that you may want a printer or a fast hardcopy terminal, but if you are patient, a decwriter or other 300 baud terminal will do. BUGS
Several ASCII characters are not defined, notably <, >, [, ], , ^, _, {, }, |, and ~. Also, the characters ", ', and & are funny looking (but in a useful way.) The -w option is implemented by skipping some rows and columns. The smaller it gets, the grainier the output. Sometimes it runs letters together. AUTHOR
Mark Horton 3rd Berkeley Distribution May 6, 1986 BANNER(6)

Check Out this Related Man Page

LPBANNER(1)						      General Commands Manual						       LPBANNER(1)

lpbanner, pclbanner, psbanner - printer banners in text, PCL and PostScript SYNOPSIS
lpbanner [ -llength ] [ -wwidth ] [ -Pprinter ] [ -Lbannername ] [ -nloginname ] [ -hhost ] [ -Jjobtitle ] [ -Cclass ] [ -?option args ] [ all ] DESCRIPTION
The lpbanner program is used to print a simple banner on a fixed size font printer, the pclbanner program generates a PCL banner and the psbanner program generates a PostScript banner. All information to be printed is passed using command line arguements. In order to be compatible with vintage line printer spoolers, reads a line form standard input, but ignores the information. OPTIONS
-w width Page width in characters (default 132). -l length Page length in lines (default 60). -P printer printer queue for banner information. -L bannername Name used on banner as main name. -n loginname Name used on banner as login name. -h host Name used on banner as host name. -J jobtitle String used on banner as main title. -C class String used on banner as class. -? value All other options and arguments provided by LPRng are ignored. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: zero (0) Successful completion. non-zero (!=0) An error occurred. SEE ALSO
lpd.conf(5), lpc(8), lpd(8), checkpc(8), lpr(1), lpq(1), lprm(1), printcap(5), lpd.conf(5), pr(1), lprng_certs(1), lprng_index_certs(1). HISTORY
LPRng is a enhanced printer spooler system with functionality similar to the Berkeley LPR software. The LPRng mailing list is; subscribe by sending mail to with the word subscribe in the body. The software is available from AUTHOR
Patrick Powell <>. LPRng LPRng-3.9.0 LPBANNER(1)
Man Page

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From a PROM ok prompt I have typed banner. This returned this info SunSPARCStation20 (1X390Z50) ...... Okay, I read that the 1x390z50 is the processor type. How can I found out the speed of these processor? Is it 50mhz? Don't know but I am curious. Thanks (5 Replies)
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I don't want SunOS 5.8 to appear when someone logs into my machine... how do I go about changing the banner? I was thumbing through my unix books and I haven't found anything... I'm probably looking under the wrong topic... anyways... any help would be greatly appreciated. (20 Replies)
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How to Create Banner/Login Messages in Solaris.

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Remover Banner and SQL prompt from isql

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UNIX Banner Command

Hi, I am logging in into an UNIX environment with my user id and password. I want to display my name there , each time I login into the environment, for which I can use the banner command. Which file should I add the banner command to , so that I will get the desired result? Regards,... (7 Replies)
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10. AIX

Last login details in banner

Friends!! I need your help. Where can i change/set the last login details as below in aix 5.3. And how to do that to get the results as exactly below login as: mbpops mbpops@xx.28.3.24's password: Last unsuccessful login: Mon Nov 22 14:32:27 GMT 2010 on ssh from Last login:... (17 Replies)
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Need help with banner.

is there a way to reduce the size of the banner? banner -w ? TIA (8 Replies)
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12. Solaris

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13. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

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14. Shell Programming and Scripting

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