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types(5) [bsd man page]

TYPES(5)							File Formats Manual							  TYPES(5)

types - primitive system data types SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> DESCRIPTION
The data types defined in the include file are used in UNIX system code; some data of these types are accessible to user code: The form daddr_t is used for disk addresses except in an i-node on disk, see fs(5). Times are encoded in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Janu- ary 1, 1970. The major and minor parts of a device code specify kind and unit number of a device and are installation-dependent. Offsets are measured in bytes from the beginning of a file. The label_t variables are used to save the processor state while another process is running. SEE ALSO
fs(5), time(3), lseek(2), adb(1) 4th Berkeley Distribution May 15, 1985 TYPES(5)

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types(5)							File Formats Manual							  types(5)

       types - primitive system data types

       #include <sys/types.h>

       The data defined in the include file are used in UNIX system code.  Some data of these are accessible to user code:
       #ifndef _TYPES_
       #define _TYPES_

       /* major part of a device */
       #define major(x)        ((int)(((unsigned)(x)>>8)&0377))

       /* minor part of a device */
       #define minor(x)        ((int)((x)&0377))

       /* make a device number */
       #define makedev(x,y)    ((dev_t)(((x)<<8) | (y)))

       typedef unsigned char   u_char;
       typedef unsigned short  u_short;
       typedef unsigned int    u_int;
       typedef unsigned long   u_long;
       typedef unsigned short  ushort;	       /* sys III compat */

       #ifdef mips
       typedef struct  _physadr { int r[1]; } *physadr;
       typedef struct  label_t {
	       int     val[12];
       } label_t;
       typedef struct  _quad { long val[2]; } quad;
       typedef long    daddr_t;
       typedef char *  caddr_t;
       typedef u_long  ino_t;
       typedef long    swblk_t;
       typedef int     size_t;
       typedef int     time_t;
       typedef short   dev_t;
       typedef int     off_t;

       typedef struct  fd_set { int fds_bits[1]; } fd_set;

       The  form  daddr_t is used for disk addresses except in an i-node on disk.  For further information, see Times are encoded in seconds since
       00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970.  The major and minor parts of a device code specify kind and unit number of a device and	are  installation-
       dependent.   Offsets  are measured in bytes from the beginning of a file.  The label_t variables are used to save the processor state while
       another process is running.

See Also
       dbx(1), lseek(2), time(3), fs(5)

								       RISC								  types(5)
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