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dtab(5) [bsd man page]

DTAB(5) 							File Formats Manual							   DTAB(5)

dtab - automatic system configuration device table (2BSD) DESCRIPTION
The dtab file contains a list of the devices that the autoconfig(8) program will attempt to attach to the system. Each line describes one device which may be present on the system; additional devices of the same type require additional lines. The line contains at least six fields separated by white space. Blank lines and comments can appear anywhere in the file except between fields; comments are delimited by `#' and new line. The fields are (in order): dev The device name, usually two characters unit Either a unit number or a `?' indicating automatic selection of unit numbers. addr The address of the device's first register, as a 16-bit octal number. vector The interrupt vector, in octal. BR The priority at which the device interrupts. handler(s) One or more routine names with which the interrupt vector is filled. EXAMPLE
# Device Configuration Table # Clock and console are pre-configured and should not be listed here # # Dev# Addr Vector Br Handler(s) # Comment lp ? 177514 200 4 lpio # lp-11 line printer ht 0 172440 224 5 htintr # tu 16 massbus tape xp ? 176700 254 5 xpio # xp driver dm ? 170500 310 4 dmin # dm11 dh modem control dh ? 160020 320 5 dhin dhou # dh11 terminal mux dz ? 160110 330 5 dzin dzdma # dz11 terminal mux FILES
/etc/dtab device table SEE ALSO
autoconfig(8) BUGS
/Etc/dtab is unique to the PDP-11 and 2BSD. 3rd Berkeley Distribution January 22, 1987 DTAB(5)

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TS(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							     TS(4)

ts - TS-11 magtape interface SYNOPSIS
/sys/conf/SYSTEM: NTS ts_drives # TS11 /etc/dtab: #Name Unit# Addr Vector Br Handler(s) # Comments ts ? 172520 224 5 tsintr # ts11 driver major device number(s): raw: 8 block: 2 minor device encoding: bits 0003 specify TS drive bit 0004 specifies no-rewind operation bit 0010 ignored DESCRIPTION
The ts-11 combination provides a standard tape drive interface as described in mtio(4). The ts-11 operates only at 1600 bpi, and only one transport is possible per controller. FILES
/dev/MAKEDEV script to create special files /dev/MAKEDEV.local script to localize special files SEE ALSO
mt(1), tar(1), tp(1), mtio(4), ht(4), tm(4), dtab(5), autoconfig(8) DIAGNOSTICS
ts%d: no write ring. An attempt was made to write on the tape drive when no write ring was present; this message is written on the termi- nal of the user who tried to access the tape. ts%d: not online. An attempt was made to access the tape while it was offline; this message is written on the terminal of the user who tried to access the tape. ts%d: hard error bn%d xs0=%b xs1=%b xs2=%b xs3=%b. A hard error occurred on the tape at block bn; status registers 0-3 are printed in octal and symbolically decoded as bits. ts%d: addr mod 4 != 0. The address of a TS-11 command packet was not on an even longword boundary. BUGS
If any non-data error is encountered on non-raw tape, it refuses to do anything more until closed. The device lives at the same address as a tm-11 tm(4). 3rd Berkeley Distribution January 28, 1988 TS(4)
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