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core(5) [bsd man page]

CORE(5) 							File Formats Manual							   CORE(5)

core - format of memory image file SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> DESCRIPTION
The UNIX System writes out a memory image of a terminated process when any of various errors occur. See sigvec(2) for the list of reasons; the most common are memory violations, illegal instructions, bus errors, and user-generated quit signals. The memory image is called `core' and is written in the process's working directory (provided it can be; normal access controls apply). The core file consists of the u. area, whose size (in 64 byte `clicks') is defined by the USIZE manifest in the <sys/param.h> file. The u. area starts with a user structure as given in <sys/user.h>. The rest of the u. area consists of the kernel stack for the terminated process which includes (among other things) the processor registers at the time of the fault; see the system listings for the format of this area. The remainder of the core file consists first of the data pages and then the stack pages of the process image. The amount of data space image in the core file is given (in clicks) by the variable u_dsize in the u. area. If the text segment was not write-only and and shared it is included as the first etext bytes of the data image where etext is taken from the symbol table of the object file which generated the memory image. The amount of stack image in the core file is given (in clicks) by the variable u_ssize in the u. area. In general the debugger adb(1) is sufficient to deal with core images. SEE ALSO
adb(1), sigvec(2), stack(5) 3rd Berkeley Distribution January 26, 1987 CORE(5)

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CORE(5) 						      BSD File Formats Manual							   CORE(5)

core -- memory image file format SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> DESCRIPTION
A small number of signals which cause abnormal termination of a process also cause a record of the process's in-core state to be written to disk for later examination by one of the available debuggers. (See sigaction(2).) This memory image is written to a file named by default in the /cores directory; provided the terminated process had write permission in the directory, and the directory existed. The maximum size of a core file is limited by setrlimit(2). Files which would be larger than the limit are not created. The core file consists of the ~ Mach-O(5) header as described in the <mach-o/loader.h> file. The remainder of the core file consists of various sections described in the Mach-O(5) header. NOTE
Core dumps are disabled by default under Darwin/Mac OS X. To re-enable core dumps, a privlaged user must edit /etc/hostconfig to contain the line: COREDUMPS=-YES- SEE ALSO
gdb(1), setrlimit(2), sigaction(2), Mach-O(5), sysctl(8) HISTORY
A core file format appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BSD
March 18, 2002 BSD
Man Page

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