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service_bundle(4) [bsd man page]

service_bundle(4)						   File Formats 						 service_bundle(4)

service_bundle - service manifest file format SYNOPSIS
/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1 DESCRIPTION
The service management facility, described in smf(5), utilizes an XML-based file format to marshal the description of a set of services or service instances between systems. This file is known as a service bundle. The primary form of a service bundle is the inventory of ser- vices that are provided by a package, which is called a "service manifest". The DTD describing the service_bundle is provided at /usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1. service_bundle documents can also use the XML Inclusions (XInclude) facility to merge multiple documents into one. A service_bundle document manipulator must therefore support the functionality defined by the XInclude specification. A complete service description consists of the following: o A set of properties that identify the service and identify its restarter o A set of properties that identify each instance o A set of framework property groups that describe the framework's understanding of each instance o A set of method property groups as required by svc.startd(1M), or by a delegated restarter o Additional optional method property groups o A set of dependency property groups o An optional group of properties that indicate services to which dependencies on the described service were added o A set of application property groups or application-specific typed property groups containing application configuration data o A template that describes supporting information about this service, such as a description and links to documentation. The document type definition for the service bundle provides markup to define each of these aspects of a service description, as well as a number of entities that identify regular features in describing a service, such as the <create_default_instance> tag. The attributes and tags are fully described in the commented DTD. The services supplied with the operating system, stored under /var/svc/manifest, provide examples of correctly formed service descriptions. Localization in the Template Element The description tags in the template element for a service are internationalizable. Service developers wishing to provided localized descriptions of their services can elect to deliver a set of loctext element in the description, like <common_name> <loctext xml:lang="C">extended accounting<loctext> <loctext xml:lang="fr_CA">...</loctext> <loctext xml:lang="ja">...</loctext> .... </common_name> Alternatively, service developers can choose to deliver multiple manifests in the naming scheme /var/svc/manifest/[category]/[service].[locale].xml which define only the localized template elements for that service. For instance /var/svc/manifest/system/accounting.ja.xml would contain, inside the template element, the following for the service's common name <common_name> <loctext xml:lang="ja">...</loctext> </common_name> Importing this file would create the service if not defined, or augment the existing template with the additional localized entries. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
svcadm(1M), svccfg(1M), svc.startd(1M), libscf(3LIB), attributes(5), locale(5), smf(5) NOTES
Nested service_bundle elements must be of the same type. SunOS 5.10 30 Aug 2004 service_bundle(4)
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