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perror(3f) [bsd man page]

PERROR(3F)																PERROR(3F)

perror, gerror, ierrno - get system error messages SYNOPSIS
subroutine perror (string) character*(*) string subroutine gerror (string) character*(*) string character*(*) function gerror() function ierrno() DESCRIPTION
Perror will write a message to fortran logical unit 0 appropriate to the last detected system error. String will be written preceding the standard error message. Gerror returns the system error message in character variable string. Gerror may be called either as a subroutine or as a function. Ierrno will return the error number of the last detected system error. This number is updated only when an error actually occurs. Most routines and I/O statements that might generate such errors return an error code after the call; that value is a more reliable indicator of what caused the error condition. FILES
/usr/lib/libU77.a SEE ALSO
intro(2), perror(3) D. L. Wasley, Introduction to the f77 I/O Library BUGS
String in the call to perror can be no longer than 127 characters. The length of the string returned by gerror is determined by the calling program. NOTES
UNIX system error codes are described in intro(2). The f77 I/O error codes and their meanings are: 100 ``error in format'' 101 ``illegal unit number'' 102 ``formatted i/o not allowed'' 103 ``unformatted i/o not allowed'' 104 ``direct i/o not allowed'' 105 ``sequential i/o not allowed'' 106 ``can't backspace file'' 107 ``off beginning of record'' 108 ``can't stat file'' 109 ``no * after repeat count'' 110 ``off end of record'' 111 ``truncation failed'' 112 ``incomprehensible list input'' 113 ``out of free space'' 114 ``unit not connected'' 115 ``invalid data for integer format term'' 116 ``invalid data for logical format term'' 117 ``'new' file exists'' 118 ``can't find 'old' file'' 119 ``opening too many files or unknown system error'' 120 ``requires seek ability'' 121 ``illegal argument'' 122 ``negative repeat count'' 123 ``illegal operation for unit'' 124 ``invalid data for d, e, f, or g format term'' 4.2 Berkeley Distribution June 7, 1985 PERROR(3F)

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The octal character set is: 000 nul 020 dle 040 sp 060 0 100 @ 120 P 140 ` 160 p 001 soh 021 dc1 041 ! 061 1 101 A 121 Q 141 a 161 q 002 stx 022 dc2 042 " 062 2 102 B 122 R 142 b 162 r 003 etx 023 dc3 043 # 063 3 103 C 123 S 143 c 163 s 004 eot 024 dc4 044 $ 064 4 104 D 124 T 144 d 164 t 005 enq 025 nak 045 % 065 5 105 E 125 U 145 e 165 u 006 ack 026 syn 046 & 066 6 106 F 126 V 146 f 166 v 007 bel 027 etb 047 ' 067 7 107 G 127 W 147 g 167 w 010 bs 030 can 050 ( 070 8 110 H 130 X 150 h 170 x 011 ht 031 em 051 ) 071 9 111 I 131 Y 151 i 171 y 012 nl 032 sub 052 * 072 : 112 J 132 Z 152 j 172 z 013 vt 033 esc 053 + 073 ; 113 K 133 [ 153 k 173 { 014 np 034 fs 054 , 074 < 114 L 134 154 l 174 | 015 cr 035 gs 055 - 075 = 115 M 135 ] 155 m 175 } 016 so 036 rs 056 . 076 > 116 N 136 ^ 156 n 176 ~ 017 si 037 us 057 / 077 ? 117 O 137 _ 157 o 177 del The hexadecimal character set is: 00 nul 10 dle 20 sp 30 0 40 @ 50 P 60 ` 70 p 01 soh 11 dc1 21 ! 31 1 41 A 51 Q 61 a 71 q 02 stx 12 dc2 22 " 32 2 42 B 52 R 62 b 72 r 03 etx 13 dc3 23 # 33 3 43 C 53 S 63 c 73 s 04 eot 14 dc4 24 $ 34 4 44 D 54 T 64 d 74 t 05 enq 15 nak 25 % 35 5 45 E 55 U 65 e 75 u 06 ack 16 syn 26 & 36 6 46 F 56 V 66 f 76 v 07 bel 17 etb 27 ' 37 7 47 G 57 W 67 g 77 w 08 bs 18 can 28 ( 38 8 48 H 58 X 68 h 78 x 09 ht 19 em 29 ) 39 9 49 I 59 Y 69 i 79 y 0a nl 1a sub 2a * 3a : 4a J 5a Z 6a j 7a z 0b vt 1b esc 2b + 3b ; 4b K 5b [ 6b k 7b { 0c np 1c fs 2c , 3c < 4c L 5c 6c l 7c | 0d cr 1d gs 2d - 3d = 4d M 5d ] 6d m 7d } 0e so 1e rs 2e . 3e > 4e N 5e ^ 6e n 7e ~ 0f si 1f us 2f / 3f ? 4f O 5f _ 6f o 7f del The decimal character set is: 0 nul 16 dle 32 sp 48 0 64 @ 80 P 96 ` 112 p 1 soh 17 dc1 33 ! 49 1 65 A 81 Q 97 a 113 q 2 stx 18 dc2 34 " 50 2 66 B 82 R 98 b 114 r 3 etx 19 dc3 35 # 51 3 67 C 83 S 99 c 115 s 4 eot 20 dc4 36 $ 52 4 68 D 84 T 100 d 116 t 5 enq 21 nak 37 % 53 5 69 E 85 U 101 e 117 u 6 ack 22 syn 38 & 54 6 70 F 86 V 102 f 118 v 7 bel 23 etb 39 ' 55 7 71 G 87 W 103 g 119 w 8 bs 24 can 40 ( 56 8 72 H 88 X 104 h 120 x 9 ht 25 em 41 ) 57 9 73 I 89 Y 105 i 121 y 10 nl 26 sub 42 * 58 : 74 J 90 Z 106 j 122 z 11 vt 27 esc 43 + 59 ; 75 K 91 [ 107 k 123 { 12 np 28 fs 44 , 60 < 76 L 92 108 l 124 | 13 cr 29 gs 45 - 61 = 77 M 93 ] 109 m 125 } 14 so 30 rs 46 . 62 > 78 N 94 ^ 110 n 126 ~ 15 si 31 us 47 / 63 ? 79 O 95 _ 111 o 127 del ascii(5)
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