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hostnm(3f) [bsd man page]

HOSTNM(3F)																HOSTNM(3F)

hostnm - get name of current host SYNOPSIS
integer function hostnm (name) character*(*) name DESCRIPTION
This function puts the name of the current host into character string name. The return value should be 0; any other value indicates an error. FILES
/usr/lib/libU77.a SEE ALSO
gethostname(2) 4.2 Berkeley Distribution May 15, 1985 HOSTNM(3F)

Check Out this Related Man Page

STAT(3F)																  STAT(3F)

stat, lstat, fstat - get file status SYNOPSIS
integer function stat (name, statb) character*(*) name integer statb(12) integer function lstat (name, statb) character*(*) name integer statb(12) integer function fstat (lunit, statb) integer statb(12) DESCRIPTION
These routines return detailed information about a file. Stat and lstat return information about file name; fstat returns information about the file associated with fortran logical unit lunit. The order and meaning of the information returned in array statb is as described for the structure stat under stat(2). The ``spare'' values are not included. The value of either function will be zero if successful; an error code otherwise. FILES
/usr/lib/libU77.a SEE ALSO
stat(2), access(3F), perror(3F), time(3F) BUGS
Pathnames can be no longer than MAXPATHLEN as defined in <sys/param.h>. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution May 15, 1985 STAT(3F)
Man Page

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