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nlist(3) [bsd man page]

NLIST(3)						     Library Functions Manual							  NLIST(3)

nlist - get entries from name list SYNOPSIS
#include <nlist.h> nlist(filename, nl) char *filename; struct nlist nl[]; DESCRIPTION
Nlist examines the name list in the given executable output file and selectively extracts a list of values. The name list consists of an array of structures containing names, types and values. The list is terminated with a null name. Each name is looked up in the name list of the file. If the name is found, the type and value of the name are inserted in the next two fields. If the name is not found, both entries are set to 0. See a.out(5) for the structure declaration. This subroutine is useful for examining the system name list kept in the file /vmunix. In this way programs can obtain system addresses that are up to date. SEE ALSO
If the file cannot be found or if it is not a valid namelist -1 is returned; otherwise, the number of unfound namelist entries is returned. The type entry is set to 0 if the symbol is not found. 4th Berkeley Distribution May 15, 1985 NLIST(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

nlist(3ELF)						       ELF Library Functions						       nlist(3ELF)

nlist - get entries from name list SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file ... -lelf [ library ... ] #include <nlist.h> int nlist(const char *filename, struct nlist *nl); DESCRIPTION
nlist() examines the name list in the executable file whose name is pointed to by filename, and selectively extracts a list of values and puts them in the array of nlist() structures pointed to by nl. The name list nl consists of an array of structures containing names of variables, types, and values. The list is terminated with a null name, that is, a null string is in the name position of the structure. Each variable name is looked up in the name list of the file. If the name is found, the type, value, storage class, and section number of the name are inserted in the other fields. The type field may be set to 0 if the file was not compiled with the -g option to cc(1B). nlist() will always return the information for an external symbol of a given name if the name exists in the file. If an external symbol does not exist, and there is more than one symbol with the specified name in the file (such as static symbols defined in separate files), the values returned will be for the last occurrence of that name in the file. If the name is not found, all fields in the structure except n_name are set to 0. This function is useful for examining the system name list kept in the file /dev/ksyms. In this way programs can obtain system addresses that are up to date. RETURN VALUES
All value entries are set to 0 if the file cannot be read or if it does not contain a valid name list. nlist() returns 0 on success, -1 on error. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Stable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
cc(1B), elf(3ELF), kvm_nlist(3KVM), kvm_open(3KVM), libelf(3LIB), a.out(4), attributes(5), ksyms(7D), mem(7D) SunOS 5.10 11 Jul 2001 nlist(3ELF)
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