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edata(3) [bsd man page]

END(3)							     Library Functions Manual							    END(3)

end, etext, edata - last locations in program SYNOPSIS
extern end; extern etext; extern edata; DESCRIPTION
These names refer neither to routines nor to locations with interesting contents. The address of etext is the first address above the pro- gram text, edata above the initialized data region, and end above the uninitialized data region. When execution begins, the program break coincides with end, but it is reset by the routines brk(2), malloc(3), standard input/output (stdio(3S)), the profile (-p) option of cc(1), etc. The current value of the program break is reliably returned by `sbrk(0)', see brk(2). SEE ALSO
brk(2), malloc(3) 7th Edition May 12, 1986 END(3)

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end(3C) 						   Standard C Library Functions 						   end(3C)

end, _end, etext, _etext, edata, _edata - last locations in program SYNOPSIS
extern int _etext; extern int _edata; extern int _end; DESCRIPTION
These names refer neither to routines nor to locations with interesting contents; only their addresses are meaningful. _etext The address of _etext is the first location after the program text. _edata The address of _edata is the first location after the initialized data region. _end The address of _end is the first location after the uninitialized data region. USAGE
When execution begins, the program break (the first location beyond the data) coincides with _end, but the program break may be reset by the brk(2), malloc(3C), and the standard input/output library (see stdio(3C)), functions by the profile (-p) option of cc(1B), and so on. Thus, the current value of the program break should be determined by sbrk ((char *)0). References to end, etext, and edata, without a preceding underscore will be aliased to the associated symbol that begins with the under- score. SEE ALSO
cc(1B), brk(2), malloc(3C), stdio(3C) SunOS 5.10 1 Sep 2003 end(3C)
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