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addloins(3) [bsd man page]


addloins - create a logical instance ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : SYNOPSYS
#include "mlo.h" loins_list *addloins(ptfig, insname, ptmodel, sigchain) lofig_list *ptfig; char *insname; lofig_list *ptmodel; chain_list *sigchain; PARAMETERS
ptfig Pointer to the figure in which the instance should be added insname Instance name ptmodel Pointer to the instance model sigchain Pointer to chain list of signal pointers DESCRIPTION
addloins creates a new instance, and adds it to the list of instances pointed to by ptfig->LOINS. The new instance is added in front of the list, and becomes itself the list head. The parameter insname fills the INSNAME field of the loins structure. The ptmodel is used for two purposes. First, the ptmodel->NAME fills the FIGNAME field. Second, the connectors of the figure pointed to by ptmodel are duplicated in the LOCON field, but the signals linked to each connector are the one given in the sigchain argument. See chain(3) for details on chain_lists. The matching is done in order, it means that the first connector is linked to the first signal of the sigchain, and so on. Care must be taken when instanciating in order to warranty the validity of the netlist. For details on the structure, see loins(3). RETURN VALUE
addloins returns a pointer to the newly created instance. ERRORS
"*** mbk error *** addloins impossible : instance insname already exist in figure ptfig->NAME" The insname is the instance identifier. So it must be unique at a given hierarchy level. "*** mbk error *** addloins impossible : instance model is the figure figname itself" The model of the instance has the same name that the figure where the instantiation takes place. This check is only performed for a single hierarchy level, in terms of its instances. "*** mbk error *** addloins impossible : connector number discrepancy between figure ptmodel->NAME and instance insname in figure ptfig->NAME" The number of signals in the sigchain is not equal to the number of connectors of the model. The matching is not done correctly. EXAMPLE
#include "mlo.h" void add_na2_y(pt, in1, in2, out) /* add an instance of na2_y */ lofig_list *pt; /* pointer to the figure */ long in1, in2, out; /* signals indexes */ { chain_list *signal = NULL; /* get the pointer when signal index is known */ signal = addchain(signal, (void *)givelosig(pt, in1)); signal = addchain(signal, (void *)givelosig(pt, in2)); signal = addchain(signal, (void *)givelosig(pt, out)); /* get vdd and vss */ signal = addchain(signal, (void *)give_vdd(pt)); signal = addchain(signal, (void *)give_vss(pt)); /* reverse the list */ signal = reverse(signal); addloins(pt, "nand", getlofig("na2_y"), signal); } SEE ALSO
mbk(1), lofig(3), loins(3), chain(3), getloins(3), delloins(3). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 October 1, 1997 ADDLOINS(3)

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addlocon - create a logical connector ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : SYNOPSYS
#include "mlo.h" locon_list *addlocon(ptfig, name, ptsig, dir) lofig_list *ptfig; char *name; losig_list *ptsig; char dir; PARAMETERS
ptfig Pointer to the figure in which the connector should be added name Name of the connector ptsig Pointer on the signal linked to the connector dir Connector direction type DESCRIPTION
addlocon creates a new figure connector called name and adds it to the list of connectors pointed to by ptfig->LOCON. The new connector is added in front of the list, and becomes itself the list head. The parameters name, ptsig, dir, width fill respectivly the NAME, SIG and DIR fields of the locon structure. The name should be unique at a given hierarchical level since it's the connector identifier. The field TYPE is set to EXTERNAL since a cell connector is beeing created. The instance connectors are builded up by the addloins(3) call. See addloins(3) for details. For a list of valid dir, see locon(3). RETURN VALUE
addlocon returns a pointer to the newly created connector. ERRORS
"*** mbk error *** addlocon impossible : connector name already exists in figure ptfig->NAME" The name beeing the logical connector idenfier, two connectors may not have the same name in a given figure. "*** mbk error *** addlocon impossible : bad direction dir in figure ptfig->NAME" The dir does not have a legal value. For the set of legal values, see locon(3). EXAMPLE
#include "mlo.h" locon_list *du_con(ptfig, ptcon) /* duplicate connector */ lofig_list *ptfig; locon_list *ptcon; { return addlocon(ptfig, ptcon->NAME, ptcon->SIG, ptcon->DIR); } SEE ALSO
mbk(1), locon(3), loins(3), lofig(3), getlocon(3), dellocon(3), phcon(3). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 October 1, 1997 ADDLOCON(3)
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