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profil(2) [bsd man page]

PROFIL(2)							System Calls Manual							 PROFIL(2)

profil - execution time profile SYNOPSIS
profil(buff, bufsiz, offset, scale) char *buff; int bufsiz, offset, scale; DESCRIPTION
Buff points to an area of core whose length (in bytes) is given by bufsiz. After this call, the user's program counter (pc) is examined each clock tick (VAX and TAHOE: 100 ticks/second = 10 milliseconds per tick; 60 ticks/second ~= 16 milliseconds per tick); offset is sub- tracted from it, and the result multiplied by scale. If the resulting number corresponds to a word inside buff, that word is incremented. The scale is interpreted as an unsigned, fixed-point fraction with 16 bits of fraction: 0xffff gives a 1-1 mapping of pc's to words in buff; 0x7fff maps each pair of instruction words together. Profiling is turned off by giving a scale of 0 or 1. It is rendered ineffective by giving a bufsiz of 0. Profiling is turned off when an execve is executed, but remains on in child and parent both after a fork. Profiling is turned off if an update in buff would cause a mem- ory fault. RETURN VALUE
A 0, indicating success, is always returned. SEE ALSO
gprof(1), prof(1), setitimer(2), monitor(3) 3rd Berkeley Distribution May 6, 1987 PROFIL(2)

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profil(2)							System Calls Manual							 profil(2)

profil - execution time profile SYNOPSIS
controls profiling, by which the system maintains estimates of the amount of time the calling program spends executing at various places in its address space. The buff argument must point to an area of memory whose length (in bytes) is given by bufsiz. When profiling is on, the process's program counter (pc) is examined each clock tick times per second), offset is subtracted from the pc value, and the result is multiplied by scale. If the resulting number corresponds to an element inside the array of to which buff points, that element is incremented. The number of samples per second for a given implementation is given by which is defined in The scale is interpreted as an unsigned, sixteen bit, fixed-point fraction with binary point at the left: 0177777 (octal) gives a one-to- one mapping of pc's to words in buff; 077777 (octal) maps each pair of instruction words together. 02(octal) maps all instructions onto the beginning of buff (producing a non-interrupting core clock). Profiling is turned off by giving a scale of 0 or 1. It is rendered ineffective by giving a bufsiz of 0. Profiling is turned off when one of the functions is executed, but remains on in child and parent both after a Profiling is turned off if an update in buff would cause a memory fault. RETURN VALUE
No value is returned. SEE ALSO
prof(1), monitor(3C). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
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