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who(1) [bsd man page]

WHO(1)							      General Commands Manual							    WHO(1)

who - who is on the system SYNOPSIS
who [ who-file ] [ am I ] DESCRIPTION
Who, without an argument, lists the login name, terminal name, and login time for each current UNIX user. Without an argument, who examines the /var/run/utmp file to obtain its information. If a file is given, that file is examined. Typically the given file will be /usr/adm/wtmp, which contains a record of all the logins since it was created. Then who lists logins, logouts, and crashes since the creation of the wtmp file. Each login is listed with user name, terminal name (with `/dev/' suppressed), and date and time. When an argument is given, logouts produce a similar line without a user name. Reboots produce a line with `x' in the place of the device name, and a fossil time indicative of when the system went down. With two arguments, as in `who am I' (and also `who are you'), who tells who you are logged in as. FILES
/var/run/utmp SEE ALSO
getuid(2), utmp(5) 7th Edition November 27, 1996 WHO(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

UTMP(5) 							File Formats Manual							   UTMP(5)

utmp, wtmp - logged in users, login and logout history SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <utmp.h> DESCRIPTION
The files /etc/utmp and /usr/adm/wtmp respectively contain the currently logged in users, and the history of logins and logouts. Each file is an array of the following structure defined in <utmp.h>: struct utmp { char ut_user[8]; /* user name */ char ut_line[12]; /* terminal name */ char ut_host[16]; /* host name, when remote */ time_t ut_time; /* login/logout time */ }; #define ut_name ut_user/* for compatibility with other systems */ The structure contains more fields than those listed, but they are only of interest to init and login. Note that the ut_name field is a compatibility alias for ut_user, it is actually better to use it. A login entry is completely specified. A logout entry has a null string for ut_name. A shutdown or reboot entry has an ut_line field con- taining a "~" (tilde). The ut_name field is usually the name of the program that did the shutdown, or "reboot" at reboot. This is a bit confusing, but note that there should always be two such entries. If you see just one entry then the system has crashed, if you see two entries then the system was properly shut down and later rebooted. FILES
/etc/utmp Currently logged in users. /usr/adm/wtmp History of logins and logouts. SEE ALSO
who(1), ttyslot(3). AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( UTMP(5)
Man Page

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