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welcome(1) [bsd man page]

welcome(1)						      General Commands Manual							welcome(1)

welcome - prints out a nice welcome message with useful statistics SYNTAX
The command makes a graphic box over box and prints out the time, day, and system stats assumes that the file /etc/motd exists. SEE ALSO
/etc/motd AUTHOR
Jim King (pulsar) Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High '88. welcome(1)

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imapd(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  imapd(8)

imapd - Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) server process SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/imapd DESCRIPTION
The IMAP4rev1 server, imapd, accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output. It is normally invoked by the inetd command and it reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf file. If you want to take the IMAP server off line for a period of time, you should notify the client systems. To do this, create a msg/shutdown file, edit it, and state the reason for the shut down. Set the owner of the msg directory and the shutdown file to be the imap user. When a client system tries to access the server, imapd sends the first line contained in the shutdown file to the client and closes the connec- tion. If you want to send a message to the IMAP clients without disabling connections, create a msg/motd file, edit it, and add your message. Set the owner of the msg directory and the motd file to be the imap user. The server sends the first line contained in the file to the clients upon connection as an ALERT message, which IMAP-compliant clients are required to display. Access to mailboxes is unaffected. For debugging purposes, create a log/user directory. When this directory exists, the imapd daemon creates protocol telemetry logs for ses- sions authenticating as user. The telemetry logs are stored in the log/user directory with the file name of the imapd process id. The msg/shutdown and msg/motd files and the log/user directory should be created under the directory specified in the configdirectory con- figuration option of the imapd.conf file. The default value is /var/imap, as in /var/imap/msg/motd. FILES
Configuration file for the IMAP server SEE ALSO
Commands: cyradm(1), deliver(8), imapd(8), imapquota(8), inetd(8), reconstruct(8) Files: imapd.conf(4) Network Administration imapd(8)
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unix login welcome message

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