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units(1) [bsd man page]

UNITS(1)						      General Commands Manual							  UNITS(1)

units - conversion program SYNOPSIS
Units converts quantities expressed in various standard scales to their equivalents in other scales. It works interactively in this fash- ion: You have: inch You want: cm * 2.54000e+00 / 3.93701e-01 A quantity is specified as a multiplicative combination of units optionally preceded by a numeric multiplier. Powers are indicated by suf- fixed positive integers, division by the usual sign: You have: 15 pounds force/in2 You want: atm * 1.02069e+00 / 9.79730e-01 Units only does multiplicative scale changes. Thus it can convert Kelvin to Rankine, but not Centigrade to Fahrenheit. Most familiar units, abbreviations, and metric prefixes are recognized, together with a generous leavening of exotica and a few constants of nature including: pi ratio of circumference to diameter c speed of light e charge on an electron g acceleration of gravity force same as g mole Avogadro's number water pressure head per unit height of water au astronomical unit `Pound' is a unit of mass. Compound names are run together, e.g. `lightyear'. British units that differ from their US counterparts are prefixed thus: `brgallon'. Currency is denoted `belgiumfranc', `britainpound', ... For a complete list of units, `cat /usr/share/misc/units'. FILES
/usr/share/misc/units BUGS
Don't base your financial plans on the currency conversions. 7th Edition October 22, 1996 UNITS(1)

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units(1)						      General Commands Manual							  units(1)

units - conversion program SYNOPSIS
converts quantities expressed in various standard scales to their equivalents in other scales. It works interactively as follows: System Prompt User Response The system responds with two factors; one used if multiplying (preceded by the other if dividing (preceded by After providing the conversion factors, prompts for the next set of values. To terminate press the interrupt character as defined for your login. A quantity is specified as a multiplicative combination of units optionally preceded by a numeric multiplier. Powers are indicated by suf- fixed positive integers, and division by the usual sign: System Prompt User Response The system responds with: only does multiplicative scale changes; thus it can convert Kelvin to Rankine, but not Celsius to Fahrenheit. Most familiar units, abbre- viations, and metric prefixes are recognized, together with a generous leavening of exotica and a few constants of nature including: ratio of circumference to diameter speed of light charge on an electron acceleration of gravity same as Avogadro's number, pressure head per unit height of water, astronomical unit. Units must be provided in lowercase only. is not recognized as a unit of mass; is. Compound names are run together, (e.g., British units that differ from their U.S. counterparts are prefixed thus: For a complete list of units, examine the file: An alternate unit database file can be specified for use with the option. looks in this file rather than the default for the table of con- versions. This must be in the same format as This is useful in defining your own units and conversions. WARNINGS
The monetary exchange rates are out of date. FILES
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