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uname(1) [bsd man page]

UNAME(1)						      General Commands Manual							  UNAME(1)

uname - display information about the system SYNOPSIS
uname [-amnrsv] DESCRIPTION
The uname command writes the name of the operating system implementation to standard output. When options are specified, strings repre- senting one or more system characteristics are written to standard output. The options are as follows: -a Behave as though the options -m, -n, -r , -s, and -v were specified. -m Write the type of the current hardware platform to standard output. -n Write the name of the system to standard output. -r Write the current release level of the operating system to standard output. -s Write the name of the operating system implementation to standard output. -v Write the version level of this release of the operating system to standard output. If the -a flag is specified, or multiple flags are specified, all output is written on a single line, separated by spaces. The uname utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
sysctl(8), sysctl(3), uname(3) HISTORY
The uname command appeared in 4.4BSD. STANDARDS
The command is expected to conform to the IEEE Std1003.2 (``POSIX'') specification. 4th Berkeley Distribution February 4, 1995 UNAME(1)

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UNAME(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  UNAME(1)

uname -- Print operating system name SYNOPSIS
uname [-amnprsv] DESCRIPTION
The uname utility writes symbols representing one or more system characteristics to the standard output. The following options are available: -a Behave as though all of the options -mnrsv were specified. -m print the machine hardware name. -n print the nodename (the nodename may be a name that the system is known by to a communications network). -p print the machine processor architecture name. -r print the operating system release. -s print the operating system name. -v print the operating system version. If no options are specified, uname prints the operating system name as if the -s option had been specified. SEE ALSO
hostname(1), machine(1), sw_vers(1), uname(3) STANDARDS
The uname utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2''). The -p option is an extension to the standard. BSD
November 9, 1998 BSD
Man Page

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