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mkerrlst(1) [bsd man page]

MKERRLST(1)						      General Commands Manual						       MKERRLST(1)

mkerrlst - create system error file SYNOPSIS
mkerrlst [ -i inputfile ] [ -o outputfile ] DESCRIPTION
Mkerrlst(1) creates error message files in the format described by syserrlst(5). With no arguments mkerrlst creates the file /etc/syserrlst from the internal array sys_errlist. Give just the -o option mkerrlst will create the file outputfile from the internal array sys_errlist. Given just the -i option mkerrlst will create the file /etc/syserrlst from the input file inputfile. Given both -i and -o options mkerrlst will create the error message file outputfile from the strings contained in inputfile. NOTE: error messages are numbered from 0. If the error 0 does not have a message associated with it the first string in inputfile must still be present. RETURN VALUE
mkerrlst exits with status of 0 if no errors are encountered. If errors do occur an error message is printed on stderr and the exit status is 1. ERRORS
mkerrlst(1) can encounter any of the errors for the open(2), lseek(2), read(2), or write(2) system calls. SEE ALSO
syserrlst(3) syserrlst(5) HISTORY
mkerrlst(1), first appeared in 2.11BSD. BUGS
Error messages can be a maximum of 80 characters. 3rd Berkeley Distribution March 14, 1996 MKERRLST(1)

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cdoc(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   cdoc(1)

       cdoc - invokes CDA Converter

       cdoc [ -s format ] [ -d format ] [ -O options_file ] [ -o outputfile ] inputfile

       The command converts the revisable format file, inputfile, to another revisable format or to a final form file.	If inputfile is not speci-
       fied, reads from standard input.  Unless a destination file is specified with the -o option, the command writes files to standard output.

       -s format	   Specifies the format of inputfile and invokes an appropriate input converter as part of CDA. The ddif, dtif, dots  (for
			   analysis  output  only) and text converters are provided in the base system kit.  Additional converters can be added by
			   the CDA Converter Library and other layered products.  Converter Library and other layered products.  Contact your sys-
			   tem manager for a complete list of the input formats supported on your system. The default format is ddif.

       -d format	   Specifies  the  format  of outputfile and invokes an appropriate output converter as part of CDA. The ddif, dtif, text,
			   analysis, and ps converters are provided in the base system kit. Additional converters can be added	by  the  CDA  Con-
			   verter  Library  and other layered products. Contact your system manager for a complete list of the output formats sup-
			   ported on your system.  The default format is ddif.

       -O options_file	   Names the file passed to the input and output converters to control specific processing  options  for  each	converter.
			   Refer to your documentation set for a description of converter options.

			   The	options  file  has a default file type of .cda_options. Each line of the options file specifies a format name that
			   can optionally be followed by _input or _output to restrict the option to either an input or output converter. The sec-
			   ond	word  is  a valid option preceded by one or more spaces, tabs, or a slash (/) and can contain upper- and lowercase
			   letters, numbers, dollar signs, and underlines. The case of letters is not significant. If an option requires a  value,
			   then spaces, tabs, or an equal sign can separate the option from the value.

			   Each  line  can  optionally be preceded by spaces and tabs and can be terminated by any character other than those that
			   can be used to specify the format names and options. The syntax and interpretation of the text that follows the  format
			   name is specified by the supplier of the front and back end converters for the specified format.

			   To  specify several options for the same input or output format, specify one option on a line. If an invalid option for
			   an input or output format or an invalid value for an option is specified, the option may be ignored or an error message
			   may	be  returned.  Each  input or output format that supports processing options specifies any restrictions or special
			   formats required when specifying options.

			   By default, any messages that occur during processing of the options file are written  to  the  system  standard  error
			   location.  For those input and output formats that support a LOG option, messages can be directed to a log file.

       -o outputfile	   Specifies the name of the output file.  If not specified, writes to standard output.

See Also
       vdoc(1), dxvdoc(1X), DDIF(5), DTIF(5), DOTS(5), CDA(5)

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