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logger(1) [bsd man page]

LOGGER(1)						      General Commands Manual							 LOGGER(1)

logger - make entries in the system log SYNOPSIS
logger [ -t tag ] [ -p pri ] [ -i ] [ -f file ] [ message ... ] ARGUMENTS
-t tag Mark every line in the log with the specified tag. -p pri Enter the message with the specified priority. The priority may be specified numerically or as a ``facility.level'' pair. For example, ``-p'' logs the message(s) as informational level in the local3 facility. The default is ``user.notice.'' -i Log the process id of the logger process with each line. -f file Log the specified file. message The message to log; if not specified, the -f file or standard input is logged. DESCRIPTION
Logger provides a program interface to the syslog(3) system log module. A message can be given on the command line, which is logged immediately, or a file is read and each line is logged. EXAMPLES
logger System rebooted logger -p local0.notice -t HOSTIDM -f /dev/idmc SEE ALSO
syslog(3), syslogd(8) 4.3 Berkeley Distribution September 17, 1985 LOGGER(1)

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LOGGER(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 LOGGER(1)

logger -- make entries in the system log SYNOPSIS
logger [-is] [-d SD] [-f file] [-m msgid] [-p pri] [-t tag] [message ...] DESCRIPTION
logger provides a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module. Options: -d sd Log this in the structured data (SD) field. (sd has to be passed as one argument and will require careful quoting when used from the shell.) -f file Log the specified file. -i Log the process id of the logger process with each line. -m msgid The MSGID used for the message. -p pri Enter the message with the specified priority. The priority may be specified numerically or as a ``facility.level'' pair. For example, ``-p'' logs the message(s) as informational level in the local3 facility. The default is ``user.notice''. -s Log the message to standard error, as well as the system log. -t tag Mark every line in the log with the specified tag. message Write the message to log; if not specified, and the -f flag is not provided, standard input is logged. EXIT STATUS
The logger utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. EXAMPLES
logger System rebooted logger -p local0.notice -t HOSTIDM -f /dev/idmc SEE ALSO
syslog(3), syslogd(8) STANDARDS
The logger utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2''). BSD
May 14, 2010 BSD
Man Page

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