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fpr(1) [bsd man page]

FPR(1)							      General Commands Manual							    FPR(1)

fpr - print Fortran file SYNOPSIS
Fpr is a filter that transforms files formatted according to Fortran's carriage control conventions into files formatted according to UNIX line printer conventions. Fpr copies its input onto its output, replacing the carriage control characters with characters that will produce the intended effects when printed using lpr(1). The first character of each line determines the vertical spacing as follows: +---------------+--------------------------------+ | Character | Vertical Space Before Printing | |---------------+--------------------------------| | Blank | One line | | 0 | Two lines | | 1 | To first line of next page | | + | No advance | +---------------+--------------------------------+ A blank line is treated as if its first character is a blank. A blank that appears as a carriage control character is deleted. A zero is changed to a newline. A one is changed to a form feed. The effects of a "+" are simulated using backspaces. EXAMPLES
a.out | fpr | lpr fpr < f77.output | lpr BUGS
Results are undefined for input lines longer than 170 characters. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution May 7, 1986 FPR(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

COL(1)							    BSD General Commands Manual 						    COL(1)

col -- filter reverse line feeds from input SYNOPSIS
col [-bfpx] [-l num] DESCRIPTION
Col filters out reverse (and half reverse) line feeds so the output is in the correct order with only forward and half forward line feeds, and replaces white-space characters with tabs where possible. This can be useful in processing the output of nroff(1) and tbl(1). Col reads from standard input and writes to standard output. The options are as follows: -b Do not output any backspaces, printing only the last character written to each column position. -f Forward half line feeds are permitted (``fine'' mode). Normally characters printed on a half line boundary are printed on the follow- ing line. -p Force unknown control sequences to be passed through unchanged. Normally, col will filter out any control sequences from the input other than those recognized and interpreted by itself, which are listed below. -x Output multiple spaces instead of tabs. -lnum Buffer at least num lines in memory. By default, 128 lines are buffered. The control sequences for carriage motion that col understands and their decimal values are listed in the following table: ESC-7 reverse line feed (escape then 7) ESC-8 half reverse line feed (escape then 8) ESC-9 half forward line feed (escape then 9) backspace moves back one column (8); ignored in the first column carriage return (13) newline forward line feed (10); also does carriage return shift in shift to normal character set (15) shift out shift to alternate character set (14) space moves forward one column (32) tab moves forward to next tab stop (9) vertical tab reverse line feed (11) All unrecognized control characters and escape sequences are discarded. Col keeps track of the character set as characters are read and makes sure the character set is correct when they are output. If the input attempts to back up to the last flushed line, col will display a warning message. SEE ALSO
expand(1), nroff(1), tbl(1) STANDARDS
The col utility conforms to the Single UNIX Specification, Version 2. The -l option is an extension to the standard. HISTORY
A col command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BSD
June 17, 1991 BSD
Man Page

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