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EFL(1)							      General Commands Manual							    EFL(1)

efl - Extended Fortran Language SYNOPSIS
efl [ option ... ] [ filename ... ] DESCRIPTION
Efl compiles a program written in the EFL language into clean Fortran. Efl provides the same control flow constructs as does ratfor(1), which are essentially identical to those in C: statement grouping with braces; decision-making with if, if-else, and switch-case; while, for, Fortran do, repeat, and repeat...until loops; multi-level break and next. In addition, EFL has C-like data structures, and more uniform and convenient input/output syntax, generic functions. EFL also provides some syntactic sugar to make programs easier to read and write: free form input: multiple statements/line; automatic continuation statement label names (not just numbers), comments: # this is a comment translation of relationals: >, >=, etc., become .GT., .GE., etc. return (expression) returns expression to caller from function define: define name replacement include: include filename The Efl command option -w suppresses warning messages. The option -C causes comments to be copied through to the Fortran output (default); -# prevents comments from being copied through. If a command argument contains an embedded equal sign, that argument is treated as if it had appeared in an option statement at the beginning of the program. Efl is best used with f77(1). SEE ALSO
f77(1), ratfor(1). S. I. Feldman, The Programming Language EFL, Bell Labs Computing Science Technical Report #78. 7th Edition April 29, 1985 EFL(1)

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RATFOR(1)						      General Commands Manual							 RATFOR(1)

ratfor - rational Fortran dialect SYNOPSIS
ratfor [ option ... ] [ filename ... ] DESCRIPTION
Ratfor converts a rational dialect of Fortran into ordinary irrational Fortran. Ratfor provides control flow constructs essentially iden- tical to those in C: statement grouping: { statement; statement; statement } decision-making: if (condition) statement [ else statement ] switch (integer value) { case integer: statement ... [ default: ] statement } loops: while (condition) statement for (expression; condition; expression) statement do limits statement repeat statement [ until (condition) ] break [n] next [n] and some syntactic sugar to make programs easier to read and write: free form input: multiple statements/line; automatic continuation comments: # this is a comment translation of relationals: >, >=, etc., become .GT., .GE., etc. return (expression) returns expression to caller from function define: define name replacement include: include filename The option -h causes quoted strings to be turned into 27H constructs. -C copies comments to the output, and attempts to format it neatly. Normally, continuation lines are marked with a & in column 1; the option -6x makes the continuation character x and places it in column 6. Ratfor is best used with f77(1). SEE ALSO
f77(1) B. W. Kernighan and P. J. Plauger, Software Tools, Addison-Wesley, 1976. RATFOR(1)
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