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checknotes(1) [bsd man page]

CHECKNOTES(1)						      General Commands Manual						     CHECKNOTES(1)

checknotes - check for new notesfile articles SYNOPSIS
checknotes [ -qnvs ] [ -aname ] DESCRIPTION
Checknotes reports on the existence of new notes. The NFSEQ environment variable is read to determine the notesfiles to examine for new text. Checknotes then looks at each of the notesfiles to determine if there are new notes. The various flags specify the method of noti- fication. The flags are mutually exlusive. The -q option specifies a message ``There are new notes'' when such is the case. No text is printed if there are no new notes. Specify -n to get a message ``There are no new notes'' if this is the case. If there are new notes, no message is printed. With the -v option enabled, checknotes prints the name of each notesfile containing new notes. The -s option is silent; no output is produced. Regardless of the option, the program exits with 0 (TRUE) if new notes exist and with 1 (FALSE) if no new notes exist. The -a option specifies a subsequencer. This allows several people sharing the same signon to maintain their own sequencer files. This switch does not allow users to forge other user's sequencer files. Since the name is concatenated with the user name, arbitrarily long subsequencer names aren't necessarily unique. A good rule of thumb is to ensure the first 6 characters of any given user's subsequencer names are unique. FILES
/etc/passwd for the users name /etc/group for the users group(s) /usr/spool/notes the default notesfile data base /usr/spool/notes/.sequencer/user Sequencing timestamps for user. /usr/spool/notes/.sequencer/user:subsequencer Sub-sequencing timestamps for user. SEE ALSO
notes(1), The Notesfile Reference Manual AUTHORS
Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX University of Illinois CHECKNOTES(1)

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NFARCHIVE(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      NFARCHIVE(8)

nfarchive - archive notesfiles SYNOPSIS
nfarchive [ -# ] [ -d ] [ -m- or -m+ ] [ -w# ] [ -f file ] topic [ ... ] DESCRIPTION
Nfarchive is used to expire notes that have not been modified in a certain amount of time. Archives are stored in ``archive notesfiles''. The -# parameter is the number of days a notestring must be idle (no new responses) before being eligible for archival. Expired notestrings are either deleted or placed in an archive. The -d parameter tells nfarchive to delete expired notestrings. If unse- lected, the expired notestrings are placed in an archive. The -m+ option specifies that only notes marked with a director message are eligible for expiration. -m- specifies that only notes without a director message are eligible for expiration. By default, the expiration algorithm is indifferent to a note's director message status. The -w# option specified the working set size for the expired notesfiles. The specified number represents the minimum number of notes to leave in the notesfile. The expiration threshold, working set size, expiration action, and director message requirements can all be specified as a director's option in each notesfile. Specific values override what is specified on the nfarchive command line. A default value specifies using the value specified on the command line. The -f parameter specifies a file containing a list of notesfiles to archive. Notesfiles can also be specified on the command line. By default, the archive of notesfile /usr/spool/notes/somenotes is in /usr/spool/oldnotes/somenotes. The archive of /some/other/place/somenotes also defaults to /usr/spool/oldnotes/somenotes. To prevent collisions of this nature, mapping between active and archive notesfiles is implemented. The file /usr/spool/notes/.utilities/net.alias/Archive-into contains lines of the form: active-notesfile:archive notesfile Lines in this file beginning with `#' are comments. Notesfiles without an entry in this file are archived into the /usr/spool/oldnotes directory with the appropriate last component. When initially created, an archive notesfile has an access list matching its active counterpart. Currently, only directors are allowed to write in an archive notesfile. Nfarchive refuses to archive an archive notesfile. FILES
/usr/spool/notes/.utilities where this programs lives. /usr/spool/notes/.utilities/net.alias/Archive-into maps active notesfiles into their archives. /usr/spool/notes Default notes data base /usr/spool/oldnotes Default archive directory SEE ALSO
notes(1), The Notesfile Reference Manual AUTHORS
Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX University of Illinois NFARCHIVE(8)
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