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biff(1) [bsd man page]

BIFF(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   BIFF(1)

biff - be notified if mail arrives and who it is from SYNOPSIS
biff [ yn ] DESCRIPTION
Biff informs the system whether you want to be notified when mail arrives during the current terminal session. The command biff y enables notification; the command biff n disables it. When mail notification is enabled, the header and first few lines of the message will be printed on your screen whenever mail arrives. A ``biff y'' command is often included in the file .login or .profile to be executed at each login. Biff operates asynchronously. For synchronous notification use the MAIL variable of sh(1) or the mail variable of csh(1). SEE ALSO
csh(1), sh(1), mail(1), comsat(8C) 4th Berkeley Distribution April 29, 1985 BIFF(1)

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BIFF(1)                                                     BSD General Commands Manual                                                    BIFF(1)

biff -- be notified if mail arrives and who it is from SYNOPSIS
Biff informs the system whether you want to be notified when mail arrives during the current terminal session. Options supported by biff: n Disables notification. y Enables notification. When mail notification is enabled, the header and first few lines of the message will be printed on your screen whenever mail arrives. A ``biff y'' command is often included in the file .login or .profile to be executed at each login. Biff operates asynchronously via the comsat(8) service. If that service is not enabled, biff will not do anything. In that case, or for syn- chronous notification, use the MAIL variable of sh(1) or the mail variable of csh(1). SEE ALSO
csh(1), mail(1), sh(1), comsat(8) HISTORY
The biff command appeared in 4.0BSD. BUGS
su(1), and biff don't seem to get on too well. This is probably due to the tty still being owned by the person using su. This can result in ``Permission denied'' messages when attempting to change the biff status of your session. Please report bugs to including diffs/patches, compiler error logs or as complete a bug report as is possible. Linux NetKit (0.17-pre-20000412) July 31, 1999 Linux NetKit (0.17-pre-20000412)
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Hello all, I want a substitute for biff n. On my HP-UX i don't have biff.i got a substitute for biff (newmail).but don't know how to set biff n.pls help. thanks in advance, shilpa (5 Replies)
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