red hat ent 5 network

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Operating Systems Linux red hat ent 5 network
# 1  
Old 02-13-2008
Data red hat ent 5 network

Hi All,

I configured during the installation my red hat 5 ent with dhcp enable. Now I modified to static on ../ifcfg-eth0. It won't change when network is restarted with ../network restart command. I need to do ifdown eth0 and ifup eth0. And when rebooted, it will go back to dhcp.

Here's my ifcfg-eth0:


What's wrong with this settings or do I need to configure other settings?

Thanks in advance,
# 2  
Old 02-13-2008

I remember I did this the same error before. I used to backup a config file before modifying it. So linux is confused and even use the backup with extention .org instead of the ifcfg-eth0.

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