RPM with ClearCase

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Operating Systems Linux RPM with ClearCase
# 1  
Old 12-24-2007
RPM with ClearCase

Hello. I have a task to complete and it involves using RPM with ClearCase. I have looked through as much documentation as possible about RPM and I still have questions about it. My task is to create a .rpm using ClearCase by unzipping a 22 Mb file and placing it into a set directory structure. I don't have alot but my spec file goes through the %prep section fine. However, I have some questions:

a) i would like to test to see if the directory exists and if it doesn't, create the directory structure. I can't seem to get the right syntax of my if...else test. this is what i have so far:

if [ this equals the directory ]
      echo "Directory already exists!!"
      mkdir -p <directory>

b) once, i have the directory structure, i need to unzip the source file into that directory. will RPM allow for such a task and how should I go about it? Any help would be appreciated.

Last edited by mastachef; 12-28-2007 at 10:30 AM.. Reason: spelling
# 2  
Old 12-27-2007
I'm not aware of ClearCase, but since you have shell script, can't you just call "unizp" with the respective parameters and then call "rpmbuild -bb" ; "rpm -Uvh" or appropriate command ?
# 3  
Old 12-28-2007
hmm on editing the ctspec file itself it should automatically extract in clearcase.
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