HELP PLEASE about Resync and sync interval in linux

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Operating Systems Linux HELP PLEASE about Resync and sync interval in linux
# 1  
Old 11-23-2007
HELP PLEASE about Resync and sync interval in linux

Can anyone could tell me what is the meaning of this problem:

Last successful check resync is greater than min sync interval (1195785433 > 7200)

And what can do to solve this problem.

Thank you..Please HElp me!
# 2  
Old 11-23-2007
I can't find anything relevant for this error, can you tell us what is your OS and version, where do you see this error, what application you're using ?
# 3  
Old 12-10-2007

That is not a unix error message... Smilie
# 4  
Old 12-10-2007
where do you see this message?

what do you do to cause it to happen?

what application??
# 5  
Old 12-11-2007
That'll be xntpd... probably Smilie
If so, check your system time, check /etc/inet/ntp.conf to get one of your time servers.
Check the time on that server.

If your time server is wrong, fix that and your error should go away
If your local machine has the wrong time, and it's a bigger difference than 7200 ms, it won't automatically correct it.
Run ntpdate <server> to bring your server up whatever time the timeserver says it should be (even if it's a huge jump). your ntpd will continue to keep it in sync.

Been through any daylight savings time changes?
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