mamimum memory single process

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Operating Systems Linux mamimum memory single process
# 1  
Old 10-29-2007
mamimum memory single process

How can i Globally set the maximum core memory a single process can take. IE, i want to set that no single process may get more than 11GB.

I am running red hat enterprise unix 4.
# 2  
Old 10-29-2007
Don't know if Red Hat has this command, but see if it has "ulimit"

On solaris, it is the -v parameter

-v maximum size of virtual memory (in kbytes)
# 3  
Old 10-31-2007
max memory

ulimit is specific to bash on red hat linux. and i don't need to limit virtual memory i need to limit actual memory usage by a task. And i also need to limit it globally, not on a task by task basis. Red hat has so far responded with the following:

There is an option to limit the rss usage by a process for a given user using /etc/security/limits.conf, but I found references that it does not work as expected.

I am escalating this to a senior engineer for further investigation, you should get an update soon.
# 4  
Old 10-31-2007
Originally Posted by frankkahle
core memory
Do you mean physical silicon memory rather than virtual spilled over into swap?

How big is your machine?
# 5  
Old 10-31-2007

Originally Posted by porter
Do you mean physical silicon memory rather than virtual spilled over into swap?

How big is your machine?
The machine is a dual opteron system with 12GB of ram and 20GB of swap configured. I want to prevent a single process from getting more than lets say 90% of ram. (maybe max around 10GB). I have one user running a development progrm which has grown to 14.3Gb on this machine which really killed the machines ability to do stuff.
# 6  
Old 10-31-2007
Originally Posted by frankkahle
I have one user running a development progrm which has grown to 14.3Gb on this machine which really killed the machines ability to do stuff.
14.3Gb Smilie

Is it a Java environment that is not running a garbage collector?
# 7  
Old 11-01-2007
Originally Posted by porter
14.3Gb Smilie

Is it a Java environment that is not running a garbage collector?
We had a similar kind of issue recently

but not 14.3 GB, that was around 3 GB

where there were construction of too many hash maps.
when drilled down to the solving the problem; we diagnosed that after using the hash components we made sure we deleted the contents in the hash one by one .

Well, that's a quite an easy one to address and resolve. Smilie
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