Unable to ZIP without path

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Operating Systems Linux Unable to ZIP without path
# 1  
Old 10-23-2013
Unable to ZIP without path

We have been trying to zip a file with a Jenkins linux build server with a network path. We were trying use the different options for zip.
We either get the full directory path with zip -r option or no directory with zip -j
We need just the main path without the network path:example: /Documents & /InstallDirectory
Here are the commands we used in shell:
Note: using zip -j creates a zip with a full directory path & no files

ssh rlinuxbuilduser@prd64db zip -rj //foothill/Applications/FoundationRelease/Deltek/InstallDirectory.zip //foothill/Applications/FoundationRelease/Deltek/InstallDirectory

ssh rlinuxbuilduser@prd64db zip -r //foothill/Applications/FoundationRelease/Deltek/InstallDirectory.zip //foothill/Applications/FoundationRelease/Deltek/InstallDirectory

What are we doing wrong?

Last edited by Don Cragun; 10-23-2013 at 08:56 PM.. Reason: Add CODE tags.
# 2  
Old 10-24-2013
I know tar will use absolute paths and imagine zip does the same. That is:
zip  myproject.zip /home/myuname/myproject

will hard-code /home/myuname/project into the path of every item in myprojce.zip.

If you were not using ssh I would suggest this:
(cd //foothill/Applications/FoundationRelease/Deltek; zip -r InstallDirectory.zip InstallDirectory)

This should produce a zip file where items will unzip into local directory InstallDirectory.

You could try:
ssh rlinuxbuilduser@prd64db (cd //foothill/Applications/FoundationRelease/Deltek; zip -r InstallDirectory.zip InstallDirectory)

but I have no idea whether that will work.

# 3  
Old 10-24-2013
Unable to ZIP without path

Yes it worked but without (), quotes had to be used instead "...."
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