I am trying to find pictures which contains a specific word in the file name.
For example any .JPG files that contains "lm" at the beginning or at the middle or at the end of the file name.
what should go after the pipe?
Last edited by radoulov; 09-05-2011 at 06:22 PM..
Reason: Code tags!
A couple of things that might bug you: find won't follow symbolic links by default; find will drill into filesystems you might wish it hadn't (such as a network filesystem or other, in-memory or special, filesystems). You can control all of that from options you will find in your findman page.
I need to find all files but excluding some because
I need to exclude some sub-folders
I need to exclude some filenames
Files must be within two dates.
The result is sent to a function
I cannot achieved to put together the date conditions, the folder conditions and the... (4 Replies)
From a script, a command for a test is use :
find /home/user_install -maxdepth 1 -type f -newer /tmp/000_skel_file_deb ! -newer /tmp/000_skel_file_end -name '.bashrc' -o -name '.profile' -o -name '.gtkrc-2.0' -o -name '.i18n' -o -name '.inputrc'
Tha command... (3 Replies)
Under one of my directories on server I have more than 500 files with different type and name. When I run the find command to list the files with 'ABC_DEFGH' in the begining of its name and older than 20 days, nothing is return as result. Though I know there are more than 400 files which their name... (10 Replies)
I am looking to extract linux version from /etc/*-release file.
I am specifically tring to avoid use of awk command here. would be great if can do done via sed or grep command.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Tikanga)
output must be 6
Litu (7 Replies)
I am issuing find command below mentioned ways but it givs different count. I don't understand the behaviour. Could any one have any clue?
$ find . -mtime -5 -maxdepth 1 -exec ls -lrt {} \; | wc -l
$ find . -mtime -5 -maxdepth 1 | wc -l
$ find . -mtime -5 -maxdepth 1 | wc -l... (2 Replies)