./configure problem for libsf library due to apparently missing libdb library.

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Operating Systems Linux ./configure problem for libsf library due to apparently missing libdb library.
# 1  
Old 08-04-2011
./configure problem for libsf library due to apparently missing libdb library.


./configure script fails to configure libsf. Please check the following last few lines of configure script error.

checking for db1/db.h... no
checking for db.h... yes
checking for dbopen in -ldb1... no
configure: error: No libdb?  No libsf.

But find command shows the following;


It seems the file libdb does exist. man dbopen displays man page
for dbopen. I also tried to ln -s /usr/lib/libdb.a and libdb.so /lib dir but all were in vain.

Please help. Thank you.

Last edited by pludi; 08-04-2011 at 11:32 AM..
# 2  
Old 08-04-2011
I suspect it is looking for a libdb1 not libdb.
# 3  
Old 08-04-2011

Thank you very much for the help but I couldn't find any db1 package.
I use slackware 13. I thought the required file was db instead of db1 because the readme file of libsf states the following;
1. You'll need to build and install:
a. libnet 1.1.0 (http://www.packetfactory.net/libnet)
b. libpcap 0.6.x+ (TCPDUMP/LIBPCAP public repository)
c. libdb old API - should be included with most modern OS releases -
(Database 11g | Oracle Database 11g | Oracle)
So you see the subsection "c". I have downloaded and installed a tarball libdb1_1.85.4-osso9+0m5.tar.gz from
maemo.org - source libdb1 build it. It produced the following files;
libdb.so.1.85.4, libdb.a and a directory "include" and inside it the following header files; db.h, compat.h, mpool.h, mdbm.h

make install also failed. It tried to create two directories under root such as /root/usr/lib and /root/include.

Did I download the right package? I can't find the libdb1 package.
# 4  
Old 08-04-2011
What package are you trying to install? This looks like a very old package.
This User Gave Thanks to fpmurphy For This Post:
# 5  
Old 08-05-2011
Thanks. Yes, it's an old package. knudfl from linuxquestions.org also said it. He has sent me a link to libdb1. <ftp://ftp.slackware.org.uk/slackware....85-i386-1.txz >
I tried to install libsf library as i wrote in prev mail. In actuality i tried to install all the libs to compile and run the codes from the book -- Building Open Source Network Security Tools: Components and Techniques by Mike D. Schiffman ISBN:0471205443 John Wiley & Sons © 2003
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