Thank you radoulov for your help on netcat command (nc -lp)

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Operating Systems Linux Thank you radoulov for your help on netcat command (nc -lp)
# 1  
Old 07-02-2011
Thank you radoulov for your help on netcat command (nc -lp)


Thank you very much for the line nc -lp <port> . I tried to run simple chat session with nc as it's shown in catonmatDOTorg but failed miserably with that syntax inspite of opening port 7777 by iptables . But your command example is working nicely.
So a bagful of thanks Smilie)

Only one hitch. After opening a port [7777 using iptables such as iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp \
-p tcp --dport 7777 --j ACCEPT ] nmap still showing the port
7777 is closed. [nmap -p 7777 localhost]

---------- Post updated at 06:00 AM ---------- Previous update was at 04:30 AM ----------

Oh! I have made a conceptual mistake. I have unblocked a port but haven't opened it as unblocking a port doesn't mean opening the port, I have just enable the port to reach for so a service can use it, When a service is running in that port,, then the port is said to be a open port[ listening for a connection]

Last edited by vectrum; 07-02-2011 at 08:09 AM..
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