Complicated Join command!

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Operating Systems Linux Complicated Join command!
# 1  
Old 10-14-2009
Complicated Join command!

Hi I have a serious issue when trying to join to files

so I have two files, one for meals and one for people

Meal1:Turkey:Potato Chips:Twinkie:Coke:5.95
Meal2:Ham & CheeseSmilieoritos:Cookie:Sprite:6.49
Meal3:Vegetarian:Cheese Crackers:Brownie:Pepsi:5.75
Meal4:Tuna:Cheese Puffs:EclairSmilieiet Coke:6.95


what im trying to do is join the two
i've tried

[join -1 4 -2 1 -t: people meals > orders]

but it does not seem to work, can anyone help please Smilie
# 2  
Old 10-15-2009
What you expect it to do ?

What it is not doing ? What error you get ?!

Assuming you had given the order of file wrongly, 1st file 1st field, and 2nd file 4th field, and following works.
$ join -1 1 -2 4 -t: t1 t2
Meal1:Turkey:Potato Chips:Twinkie:Coke:5.95:1234:John:Smith:103
Meal3:Vegetarian:Cheese Crackers:Brownie:Pepsi:5.75:2345:Bob:Brown:155
Meal4:Tuna:Cheese Puffs:Eclairiet Coke:6.95:6789:Carla:Carmes:212

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