7 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Red Hat
Hello All,
I am using fecthmail on RHEL 5.fetchmail: fetchmail 6.3.6-1.1.el5.3.1
getting the below error.
Installation check passed
Fetching email ...
mail box file name is ....mailbox.2011051614
/usr/bin/fetchmail --all --timeout 3000 --nokeep --bsmtp... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: ajaincv
0 Replies
2. UNIX and Linux Applications
Dear All,
Is it possible to using 2 envelope options on fetchmail ?
Here is fetchmailrc configuration :
envelope "Envelope-To"
envelope "X-Apparently-To"
Thx :) (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: rhein_onizuka@y
0 Replies
3. Linux
Hello All.
I was messing around with Fetchmail on a Test Email account. Here's what my fetchmailrc file looks like:
poll imap.gmail.com proto IMAP fetchall
When I ran this, it removed all the test emails from my Google Account. There were a few emails that I needed, however, I... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: drewrockshard
3 Replies
4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
could you tell me how to create an imap gmail ssl certificate?
in my .fetchmailrc file I have
poll imap.gmail.com protocol IMAP user "xxxxx@gmail.com" there with password "xxxx" nofetchall keep ssl
but I'm getting an error
fetchmail: Server certificate verification error:... (13 Replies)
Discussion started by: c19h28O2
13 Replies
5. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi peeps,
We are having around 60 users.
The time set to retrieve the mail is 300 sec.
But it's taking around 1 hour to deliver mails.
I am using debian sarge 3.1.
any clues?
And how it will affect if I decrease the time?
My machine has got 1 p4 3.0 GHZ processor and 1 GB ram.
The home... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: squid04
2 Replies
6. IP Networking
once i used kmail (or sometimes outlook express) for my e-mail client.
i had no problem with that.
now being with unix console, i want to retrieve pop3 mails, using fetchmail.
(where i can browse my mailbox(es) later)
and it seems something i'm missing or do not understand.
assuming my e-mail... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: jaguar
2 Replies
7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi all.
I'm currently building my own webmail server but I will need to collect my mail from several different account scattered around the 'Net.
I know fetchmail can do this. The problem I have is that my main POP3 mailbox at my ISP lumps all users' e-mails into one box.
This means that... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: DraconianTimes
0 Replies