DNS Help - Been trying to do this for months

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Special Forums IP Networking DNS Help - Been trying to do this for months
# 8  
Old 09-27-2002
yer i am using dns forwarding at the moment, so that isn't my dns server, its the company that is suppying it.

ok the hostname of my server is srv1

the ip address is

nothing has been setup yet cos im completly lost as to what i am meant to do

i have created a forward master zone.

for the domain name i typed thedigitaldream.co.uk

and for the name server i wrote srv1.thedigitaldream.co.uk

that is all i have done to far. im lost now, what do i create in addresses???
# 9  
Old 09-27-2002
First, I would suggest you go and pick up the book, DNS & Bind .

Second, look through the archive at Mr. DNS (I would not suggest actually asking Mr. DNS anything if you haven't read the book).

Third, post what you DO have in your named.conf and any db files. This way those of us helping can check the syntax of what you entered...many times that is all that is holding up DNS from working.
# 10  
Old 09-27-2002
yer but this is what i mean, does that book show you how to setup bind with webmin control panel???

if not then its useless, because webmin is what i want to use

there is no point in me showing you the contents of the files as i havent created any records yet, thats what i mean

i dont know what to type in for address records, name server records, etc, because im clueless

i just want to know what to type in the address records and mx records. cant anyone tell me using the information i have given you about the server setup?
# 11  
Old 09-27-2002
Oh, you want the simple answer.

Since you only have the one IP address, and the one system, you should use that IP for all records.

IN NS srv1.thedigitaldream.com.
IN MX srv1.thedigitaldream.com.

srv1 IN A

If you use different names for the same server ( to separate your different services) add CNAMEs for them.

webmail IN CNAME srv1.thedigitaldream.com.
ftp IN CNAME srv1.thedigitaldream.com.

How this goes into webmin I have no idea but you should since you read the documentation - I looked at it quickly and it seems to have all the answers webmin
# 12  
Old 09-27-2002
OK, DNS seems to be OK....

server# dig srv1.thedigitaldream.co.uk

; <<>> DiG 8.2 <<>> srv1.thedigitaldream.co.uk
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 4
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; srv1.thedigitaldream.co.uk, type = A, class = IN

srv1.thedigitaldream.co.uk. 15S IN A

;; Total query time: 5097 msec
;; FROM: www to SERVER: default --
;; WHEN: Fri Sep 27 13:41:49 2002
;; MSG SIZE sent: 44 rcvd: 60
So, you simply want to set up your resolver on your machine.

First, stop trying to do everything with WEBADMIN and learn to do simple things from the command line with a simple editor.

Second, can you verify your computer is properly on the network and can reach the Internet? I can't ping it:


8 ( 103.451 ms 88.931 ms 179.699 ms
9 bre-bb-b-ge-720-0.inet.ntl.com ( 179.717 ms 96.134 ms 84.953 ms
10 swa-t2core-b-pos44.inet.ntl.com ( 85.271 ms 95.535 ms 91.82 ms
11 swa-cam1-b-pos20.inet.ntl.com ( 591.319 ms 94.316 ms 123.142 ms
12 swan-gors-ubr-1-s20.inet.ntl.com ( 102.384 ms 91.904 ms 86.685 ms
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *
16 * * *
17 * * *
Resolver will not work if you can't reach your nameserver; so execute this command from your server:

traceroute and cut and paste the results.

Or try:


and paste your results.....

Please, no replies like... 'you must use webadmin'... !!! First, you need to learn to troubleshoot your network from the command line.
# 13  
Old 09-27-2002
yer but there is nothing to troubleshoot

see i dont think you understand me

at the moment there is no dns server running on my server. A company is supplying the dns forwarding for me. The company is called dns2go

so there is no point in u doing traces and pings because i havent even started up bind yet.

the only thing im asking is what records to make like what address records, what mx records etc

once i got bind working, i will start up bind, and then i will point my domain name to my dns server, not the companies dns server.

the reason im asking is because i got to have dns working before i point the domain to my dns server, otherwise my site will go down
# 14  
Old 09-27-2002
right ok i have started to create forward and reverse zones.

trhis is what i typed for each, please click the links below :

Forward Master Zone
Reverse Master Zone

The server has an internet ip address of so thats why i used that ip address for the reverse zone, is that correct?

Please tell me if these are correct so far
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