TCP/IP printing on SCO 2.1.3

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# 1  
Old 01-24-2002
TCP/IP printing on SCO 2.1.3

I am trying to set up TCP/IP printing to so we can remove the old novel server. The printer details have been added to the etc/hosts file correctly, and the printer added as a remote UNIX printer . However when a print job is issued lpstat -o displays the job, but it dosent move. Any help yould be great.
# 2  
Old 01-25-2002
Give me some more information. I assume you are using SCO Unixware 2.1.3? What type of printer? How is it connected to your network? PrintServer? Have you defined this PrintServer as a System? What's the IP address of the PrintServer? What's the MAC Address? - The MAC Address is the Serial Number of the PrintServer. Have you defined the PrintServer in /etc/hosts ? Can you 'ping' the IP address of the PrintServer? Give me some more info.. I am sure I can help.
# 3  
Old 01-29-2002
more information

We are in the process of upgrading from SCO unixware 2.1.3 to SCO unixware 7.1.1.

We have configured all the printers on the new server using remote IP addresses. The printers are either connected to a PC which acts as the print server or are machines that contain their own IP address and act as print servers. The printing on the new srver working well, so there is not an issue with any of the print servers or print devices.

On the old server, we have setup a couple of test printers in the/etc/hosts file. As stated in prior message, we are able to send the job but it does not leave unixware. we are able to ping all the print servers from the unixware server and any PC attached to the unixware server.

Hope this helps.

Best regards Simon
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