FTP or Telnet

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# 1  
Old 11-13-2001
FTP or Telnet

Dumb question I'm sure but how on earth do I transfer files from a sco unix machine to my windows 2000 machine. I'm typing commands on my Win2000 machine. All I can seem to do is move files around on the unix system?
# 2  
Old 11-13-2001
FTP to the SCO box from your Win2k machine.
# 3  
Old 11-14-2001
I need to type commands on the Win2K machine to retrieve data from the SCO Unix box. I can't seem to resolve how to do this either with Telnet or FTP
# 4  
Old 11-14-2001
Just open a command window and type "ftp <hostname>".

If you aren't familiar with commandline FTP, then there are many GUI FTP clients available that you can try. Just do a search for "Windows FTP Client" or something like that.
# 5  
Old 11-14-2001
The thing is I need to do it with command line. I can get FTP running and see the sco unix files but how on earth do I copy them onto the windows machine by typing commands on the windows machine??? Thanks for your time.
# 6  
Old 11-14-2001
Be sure to set what transfer mode you are in depending on what type of files (binary usually works for everything)

type "bin" to set that.

use the "get" command to retrieve the files.

Example: ftp> get MYfile.zip
# 7  
Old 11-29-2001
Try this.....

Open your CMD window on your Win2000.
Navigate to your desired destination on C:\

Type ftp (name of server) At this point you'll probably need the username and password.
type bin
navigate to the directory where the data is (using cd as per unix)
type get (filename) or mget * (for lots of files - you will be prompted yes or no for each file in the dir)

This should do it.
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