iptables (making a program)

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# 1  
Old 12-20-2013
iptables (making a program)

Hey, I just got haxxord again on my Windows install, and im tired of it o_o

Im gonna make a firewall blocking all IPs, allowing none. Then you access a web site/game/MSN/whatever, and it will ask "Do you want to allow this IP with this port?"

I know the basics of the programming, but MY question is: do you know, what ports are used by 4G USB Modem (with router page), for starters..? I need to know which IP address and port to allow, for internet access.

Router page for 4G Modem:
# 2  
Old 01-08-2014
Is your goal to block all outgoing traffic until you click the "allow with this IP and port"?
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