Can Solaris VPN to a Server without breaking it's other networking rules !?

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Special Forums IP Networking Can Solaris VPN to a Server without breaking it's other networking rules !?
# 1  
Old 08-20-2013
Network Can Solaris VPN to a Server without breaking it's other networking rules !?

Hi All,

Actually a very basic question this one. I've got a Solaris 10 x86 server box on a network. There are a group of other servers I need to connect to from it, but via a VPN connection. If I install a vpn client on my solaris box, can I configure the VPN connection so it only routes certain traffic via the VPN ( i.e. ip range or list of specific IP addresses ), and therefore doesn't break the boxes network connectivity to it's own LAN ?
I'm presuming openvpn is my best bet for doing this ?

Any help welcome !

# 2  
Old 08-20-2013
It will need to be able to talk to the VPN server, but not the clients.
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