Bandwidth shaping on specific port

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# 1  
Old 10-31-2009
Bandwidth shaping on specific port


I've been looking for a few hours now, reading various docs and man pages, but the info I found so far is either not what I was looking for or I just don't get how to do the thing I need....

So, my "problems" is that I have a server running on a specific port and I need to shape traffic only on this port (7979) in order to reduce bandwidth. I want it to only have a max up speed of 10 KB/s and max down speed of 10 KB/s also. What I've been looking for for the past few hours is a command or some other shaping software that will be able to limit the incoming & outgoing bandwidth only on this port. I read the man pages of 'tc' but I didn't get much wiser from it, so I came asking here in the hope someone could provide me with the commands and their params how to do that or offer another solution, if possible. I'm on Linux btw Smilie

# 2  
Old 11-01-2009
Try doing a web seach for "Linux traffic shaping" or "Linux packet shaping".
# 3  
Old 11-01-2009
And you think I didn't do that? As I said, I was looking for a few hours but either don't get how to do such a thing (as it's way too complex and I've no idea what all those params do) or it isn't explain at all how to shape traffic on only a specific port
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