Networking -- netstat -ano

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# 1  
Old 09-02-2009
Question Networking -- netstat -ano

I ran the following command while connected to some sites.

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID
TCP x.x.x.x:1157 ESTABLISHED 3564
TCP x.x.x.x:1158 ESTABLISHED 3564
TCP x.x.x.x:1159 ESTABLISHED 3564
TCP x.x.x.x:1160 ESTABLISHED 3564

TCP x.x.x.x:1188 ESTABLISHED 3564
TCP x.x.x.x:1189 ESTABLISHED 3564
TCP x.x.x.x:1195 ESTABLISHED 3564
TCP x.x.x.x:1197 ESTABLISHED 3564

Can anyone please tell me what does this mean.
x.x.x.x are same ip addresses.
There are 4 connections on 4 different ports.Why?

I saw something like below:-

UDP *:* 4
UDP *:* 664
UDP *:* 432
UDP *:* 664
UDP *:* 1064
UDP *:* 1064

Please tell me the answers .

# 2  
Old 09-02-2009
Look at your /etc/services file for a list of the services which are using these ports.
For example, port 1157 is a well known port for Oracle iasControl.
# 3  
Old 09-07-2009
Since you are going to port 443 I'll take it to mean that you are using a web browser. Looking at this on face value I would say you are using Firfox as your web browser. Firefox is out the box is setup to make 4 connections to any web site you connect to to try and speed it up. What you are seeing is Firefox making 4 connections to the site to retrieve the data for you.
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