Nagios escalating prematurely

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Special Forums UNIX and Linux Applications Infrastructure Monitoring Nagios escalating prematurely
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Old 08-12-2009
Nagios escalating prematurely

We are currently using Nagios 1.3 .The issue we facing is , when a alert is in Warning state and then from Warning it moves to Critical state ,the alert is escalated directly to L2,L3 L4 escalations,here nagios assumes that the time period ,the alert was in warning state as unacknowledged time (even when it is acknowledged ),and it follows the L2 ,L3 escalation path depending on the time we have defined for the esclations.

Is this a bug or a feature of nagios and is there a way to fix this problem as escalation to TOP management is major thing because it is direct impacting to our SLAs.
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