is anyone familiar w/HPjconfig?
here is a link to hpjconfig:
HP Unix - Java - HPjconfig Overview & Features
The tool complains about patches that have already been addressed (superseded patches).
# /opt/java1.4/bin/java -jar ./HPjconfig.jar -nogui -patches -listmis
Log written to HPjconfig_myBOX_20071228_105132.log
List of missing patches:
PHCO_33282 solves severe performance degradation with large numbers of threads.
PHCO_33282 solves pthread synchronization causing hangs. must install starting with,,, 5.0..
PHKL_34309 supports executing HotSpot across NFS.
PHKL_34309 supports executing HotSpot across NFS.
PHKL_35281 supports executing HotSpot across NFS.
PHKL_34309 solves hangs in Java apps with large numbers of threads.
PHKL_34309 solves severe thread performance problems in Java apps with large numbers of threads. supports Solaris-like semantics for concurrent close (thread interrupt).
PHKL_35281 solves thread problems that degrade Java apps with large numbers of threads.
PHKL_34309 supports compiler save points and on stack replacement in 64bit HotSpot in 1.4, 5.0.
PHKL_32927 fixes 64-bit Java process hang when returning from a call to a JNI function.
PHNE_34938 supports executing HotSpot across NFS.
PHNE_34777 supports Solaris-like semantics for concurrent close (Streams).
PHNE_34672 solves socket problems that may cause hangs. must install starting with, 5.0.. supports Solaris-like semantics for concurrent close (transport). supports connected datagram sockets.
PHSS_35379 solves problem with dld while loading native libraries for class ServerSocket. enables LD_PRELOAD_ONCE.
how do I update the tools patch list?
help options:
# /opt/java1.4/bin/java -jar ./HPjconfig.jar -nogui -help
HPjconfig [ options ] -gui
HPjconfig [ options ] <object> <action>
objects: -patches &| -tunables
actions: -listreq | -listmis | -listpres | -apply
-patches operate on java-specific patches
-tunables operate on java-specific tunables
-listreq list all java required patches or tunables that are applicable to this system
-listmis list missing java-specific patches or tunables on the system
-listpres list applied (installed) java-specific patches or tunables on the system
-apply apply (install) missing java-specific patches or tunables on the system
-javavers s java versions for selecting patches e.g 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 5.0
-[no]gui run in GUI mode
-logfile s name of log file
-proxyhost s HTTP proxy host name for accessing live data
-proxyport s HTTP proxy port for accessing live data
-help show help string and exit
-version show version string