How to find CPU Speed of HP UX

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Operating Systems HP-UX How to find CPU Speed of HP UX
# 1  
Old 11-30-2007
How to find CPU Speed of HP UX

Need to find the CPU speed of HP UX for a non root login.

echo "itick_per_usec/D" | adb /stand/vmunix /dev/mem | tail -1 will give the following for non root users
ERROR: cannot open `/dev/mem', errno = 13, Permission denied
# 2  
Old 11-30-2007
Glance may tell you.
If you run cfg2html, it will proably be in there.
Otherwise, I can't think of anything that doesn't need root access.
(And I thought the 2nd arg to the adb was /dev/kmem?)
# 3  
Old 11-30-2007
Please search the HP-UX forum for "cpu speed". We have quite a few threads and they describe all of the ways.

In theory, it is either:
adb -k /stand/vmunix /dev/mem
adb /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem

but the former seems to work ok without the -k.
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