HP-UX system information

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Operating Systems HP-UX HP-UX system information
# 8  
Old 08-13-2008
Originally Posted by LinuxRacr
How about the "machinfo" command? If you you have an 11.23 machine, that command is very valuable.

OOHHHhh awesome, I didnt know about that one...

To bad 11.11 doesnt have the same thing... Smilie
# 9  
Old 08-29-2008
Originally Posted by LinuxRacr
How about the "machinfo" command? If you you have an 11.23 machine, that command is very valuable.
I don't think this exists in 8, 9 & 10.

I'm looking at writing a script that collects the hardware inventory, services running, host OS information then the software packages and files installed.

At the moment there is nothing like this, unless I use a commercial product like Peregrine ED, which I don't have several $million to spend.

So far, I have this..

LOG: ./administrator-vmws
LAST_UPDATED: 2008-08-27 17.32
UPTIME: 50 days, 3:30
HOST: administrator-vmws
HOSTID: 007f0101
OS: Linux
KERNEL: 2.6.22-15-generic
ARCH: i686
HARDWARE: PowerEdge SC430
LINKSPEED: eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok
BIOS: Dell Inc. A02
MACADDRESS: 00:13:72:08:57:5C
INTERFACES: eth0 vmnet8
CPU: 2 x 2992
MEM: 3895168 kB
DISK: sda Vendor: HL-DT-ST Model: CD-RW GCE-8483B Rev: B105 199148544
DISK: sdb Vendor: ATA Model: Maxtor 6Y200P0 Rev: YAR4 72613056
DF: /dev/sda1 Size:180G Avail:61G Mountpoint:/
Does anybody know how to list packages installed, then the files used in those packages?

Last edited by Simbad; 08-29-2008 at 09:41 AM..
# 10  
Old 08-29-2008
Im surprised no one mentionned print_manifest
Do a man print_manifest... (started with 10.20 I think)
# 11  
Old 08-30-2008
Originally Posted by vbe
Im surprised no one mentionned print_manifest
Do a man print_manifest... (started with 10.20 I think)
Great, thanks, I'll look at this when I get access.

What I'd really like to know is how to list packages and the files they own in HP/UX. Then I can incorporate the inventory with the other platforms I currently process.

Under Linux dpkg -l lists all packages and versions installed. Then dpkg -L lists which files and where the files are installed. I guess I'll have to write something different for each version of HP/UX.
# 12  
Old 08-30-2008
this command will list what you want...
Now about packages in HPUX there is nothing called of the sort...
You would have products or filesets and both can be listed with swlist
e.g. swlist -l product or swlist -l fileset
Do a ma swlist

All the best
# 13  
Old 08-30-2008
If you want to get all the files listed that belong to a fileset then use the
-l file option of swlist
$ /usr/sbin/swlist -l file OpenSSL

HP-UX's SD devides SW into bundles (which only HP can package), products, subproducts, filesets, files.
With the swpackage command you can create SW depots if you provide
a Package Specification File.
Alternatively you can look up the contents of installed SW packages in the filesystem
beneath /var/adm/sw/<SW_SOFTWARE_SPEC>/pfiles/INDEX
There are also the sizes and checksums stored which an swverify will look up.

Read more here:

You can obtain a lot of system information if you query the Support Tools Manager which is part of the OnlineDiag SW package.
(try: $ /usr/sbin/swlist -l fileset OnlineDiag )
For instance you can say (which will also list the Serial No. that you need to file support cases)
$ echo "sc product system;info;wait;il" | /usr/sbin/cstm | more

If you want to know how much physical RAM your box has just substitute system above by memory.

Last edited by buffoonix; 08-30-2008 at 06:49 PM..
# 14  
Old 08-31-2008
VBE, Buffoonix,

A big thanks, this is precisely what I was after. For the sake of executive summary reports I have to call them Applications/Packages with versions. As I become more discreet I suppose I can then call them Products and filesets for HP/UX.

Next is AIX & AS400 Smilie
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