HP-UX: Shell Script giving " 0^J30: Syntax error"

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Operating Systems HP-UX HP-UX: Shell Script giving " 0^J30: Syntax error"
# 8  
Old 03-08-2014
Hi All,

Please see the output of "od -bc configfile"

0>od -bc config_file
0000000   t   e   l   l   a   b   s   7   1   0   0       0  \n   t   e
        164 145 154 154 141 142 163 067 061 060 060 040 060 012 164 145
0000020   l   l   a   b   s   7   1   0   0   N       3   0  \n   t   e
        154 154 141 142 163 067 061 060 060 116 040 063 060 012 164 145
0000040   m   s   _   x   m   l   _   i   f   _   s   n   d   _   q
        155 163 137 170 155 154 137 151 146 137 163 156 144 137 161 040
0000060   0  \n   q   _   f   t   _   o   u   t       4   0   0   0  \n
        060 012 161 137 146 164 137 157 165 164 040 064 060 060 060 012
0000100   z   h   o   n   e   A   r   c   a   d   a   c   s       0  \n
        172 150 157 156 145 101 162 143 141 144 141 143 163 040 060 012

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 03-09-2014 at 12:02 AM.. Reason: correcting the output
# 9  
Old 03-08-2014
Please correct the code tags, it is difficult to read.
Also, paste the output of sh -x yourscript
This User Gave Thanks to ahamed101 For This Post:
# 10  
Old 03-08-2014

I made the below changes, but I getting the same error on line 27.

x=`grep -c "$queue" ${flagfile}`
if [ "$queue" = "q_ft_out" ]

# 11  
Old 03-08-2014
Please paste the output of
sh -x yourscript

The code tags you are using is wrong, it is a forward slash
# 12  
Old 03-08-2014
output of sh -x <script>

>sh -x test.sh
+ + hostname
+ configfile=/home/spgroup/sup/config_file
+ flagfile=/home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ mailfile=/home/spgroup/sup/mail_file
+ tmpflagfile=/home/spgroup/sup/tmp_flag_file
+ cut -d   -f3,4
+ sed $d
+ cat abc
+ tail -n +5
+ tr -s
+ 1> /home/spgroup/sup/config_file
+ cat /home/spgroup/sup/config_file
+ cut -d   -f1
+ [ tellabs7100 = q_ft_out ]
+ threshold=20
+ + cat /home/spgroup/sup/config_file
+ cut -d   -f2
+ grep tellabs7100
+ [ -f /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file ]
+ + grep -c tellabs7100 /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ [ 1 -ge 1 ]
+ [ 0
30 -ge 20 ]
test.sh[27]: 0^J30: Syntax error
+ grep -v tellabs7100 /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ echo lhprod18 q_ft_out 4000
+ 1> /home/spgroup/up/tmp_flag_file
+ mv /home/spgroup/sup/tmp_flag_file /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ [ tellabs7100N = q_ft_out ]
+ threshold=20
+ + cat /home/spgroup/sup/config_file
+ cut -d   -f2
+ grep tellabs7100N
+ [ -f /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file ]
+ + grep -c tellabs7100N /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ [ 0 -ge 1 ]
+ [ 30 -ge 20 ]
+ echo lhprod18 tellabs7100N 30
+ 1>> /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ [ tems_xml_if_snd_q = q_ft_out ]
+ threshold=20
+ + cat /home/spgroup/sup/config_file
+ cut -d   -f2
+ grep tems_xml_if_snd_q
+ [ -f /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file ]
+ + grep -c tems_xml_if_snd_q /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ [ 0 -ge 1 ]
+ [ 0 -ge 20 ]
+ [ q_ft_out = q_ft_out ]
+ threshold=30
+ + cat /home/spgroup/sup/config_file
+ grep q_ft_out
+ cut -d   -f2
+ [ -f /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file ]
+ + grep -c q_ft_out /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ [ 1 -ge 1 ]
+ [ 4000 -ge 30 ]
+ echo  SERVER:lhprod18       QUEUENAME:q_ft_out             SIZE:4000
+ 1>> /home/spgroup/sup/mail_file
+ [ zhoneArcadacs = q_ft_out ]
+ threshold=20
+ + cat /home/spgroup/sup/config_file
+ cut -d   -f2
+ grep zhoneArcadacs
+ [ -f /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file ]
+ + grep -c zhoneArcadacs /home/spgroup/sup/flag_file
+ [ 0 -ge 1 ]
+ [ 0 -ge 20 ]
+ [ -f /home/spgroup/sup/mail_file ]
+ mailx -s TEMS : Queues Which are Above Threshold on lhprod18 *****@*****
+ cat /home/spgroup/sup/mail_file
+ rm /home/spgroup/sup/mail_file

# 13  
Old 03-08-2014
The grep command is getting 2 values for tellabs7100
0 for tellabs7100
30 for tellabs7100N

and that is why the value 0^J30 is seen, ^J is actually unix line feed.

Since grep-ing for tellabs7100 will match both the lines containing tellabs7100 and tellabs7100N.

Add the switch -w to the grep statement.
size=`grep -w "$queue" ${configfile} | cut -d " " -f2`

And try to avoid the UUoC

Last edited by ahamed101; 03-08-2014 at 07:36 PM..
These 2 Users Gave Thanks to ahamed101 For This Post:
# 14  
Old 03-08-2014
I made the below change and the script ran fine...!

Thank you all for your time; pointing out the issues and getting it resolved.


will remember to check UUOC from next time...

size=`grep -w "$queue" ${configfile} | cut -d " " -f2`

Thanks Again..
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