Sudo entry required to set permission similar to ROOT without using password (PASSWD) change optio

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Operating Systems HP-UX Sudo entry required to set permission similar to ROOT without using password (PASSWD) change optio
# 1  
Old 02-09-2014
Sudo entry required to set permission similar to ROOT without using password (PASSWD) change optio

Hi All

I had installed sudo in HP UX 11.3 and it is working fine but not able to make entry required to set permission similar to ROOT without using password (PASSWD) change option for define user in /etc/sudoers file

Please help if some know the syntex? SmilieSmilie
# 2  
Old 02-10-2014
Please can you post your /etc/sudoers so we can consider where the problem may be. There is unlikely to be anything sensitive in it, but you may prefer to change the user names from your format to just User1, User2, etc.

Thanks, in advance,
# 3  
Old 02-10-2014
Furthermore: Did you compile sudo yourself or is it a download from a HP-Archives?
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