Format unit requires destructive mode???

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Operating Systems HP-UX Format unit requires destructive mode???
# 8  
Old 12-01-2013
I'm not a HP-UX expert but fsck is fairly generic so I would expect something like:

fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 (or whatever the device name is).

Apart from that, you normally cannot fsck a filesystem that is mounted so, if this is a root filesystem, you will probably need to boot from cd and fsck the hard disk filesystem device name from there.

Also, most fsck implementations include a switch "-o full" which will do a really long and hard fsck (but may take a long time).

It may be that you've got some bad disk blocks on the drive and there must be a "badblock" management utility from HP that will map these out. Perhaps a HP-UX expert on this forum will tell you how to do that.
# 9  
Old 12-02-2013
When I rebooted the HP Computer this morning it still detected an error in the file system, but then it went into an automatic fsck repair and apparently it fixed the bad block without the interactive fsck mode. I will use your fsck option tomorrow. Thanks again in advance.
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