After adding new iscsi target port, still the session state of that target port is showing offline

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Operating Systems HP-UX After adding new iscsi target port, still the session state of that target port is showing offline
# 1  
Old 11-05-2013
After adding new iscsi target port, still the session state of that target port is showing offline


I wanted to configure new iscsi port on HPUX system, i added the target port address and configured it, once done, went to array side and searched for that host iqn number , but was nt able to find the same, came to host, then when i ran "iscsiutil -pVS" command it gave me below result

Session information

Session # 1
        Session Instance No.      : 1
        ISID                      : 0x800000000001
        Session State             : Offline
        Target Name               :
        Target Alias              :
        No. of Target Addresses   : 1

  Address # 1
        IP Address                :
        iSCSI TCP Port            : 3260
        iSCSI Portal Group Tag    : 22

  User Configured:

        Authenticaton Method      :
        CHAP Method               : CHAP_UNI
        Initiator CHAP Name       :
        CHAP Secret               :
        Header Digest             : None,CRC32C (default)
        Data Digest               : None,CRC32C (default)

  Login Keys:

        MaxConnections            : 1
        AuthMethod Proposed       : None
        AuthMethod Chosen         : None
        MaxRecvDataSegmentLength  : 16384 bytes
        MaxBurstLength            : 262144 bytes
        FirstBurstLength          : 65536 bytes
        DefaultTime2Wait          : 2 seconds
        DefaultTime2Retain        : 20 seconds
        MaxOutstandingR2T         : 1
        ErrorRecoveryLevel        : 0 (Session failure recovery)
        InitialR2T                : Yes
        ImmediateData             : No
        DataPDUInOrder            : Yes
        DataSequenceInOrder       : Yes
        OFMarker                  : No
        IFMarker                  : No
        OFMarkInt                 : 0
        IFMarkInt                 : 0
        DataDigest Proposed       : None,CRC32C
        DataDigest Chosen         : None
        HeaderDigest Proposed     : None,CRC32C
        HeaderDigest Chosen       : None
        TargetAddress             :,22

Here in the output, the "session State" is showing as "offline", is that the reason for host not getting listed on Array side.

And how to make it online...?

Any help is appreciated here.


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Mod Comment Please use [code] [/code] tags instead of decking out your post with fonts and colors.

Last edited by Corona688; 11-05-2013 at 03:20 PM..
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