how to encrypt a file with ebcdic conversion

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Operating Systems HP-UX how to encrypt a file with ebcdic conversion
# 1  
Old 08-18-2011
CPU & Memory how to encrypt a file with ebcdic conversion

Hi guys!

My sql*plus program generating dat file. so this dat file i want to write in destination sever path with ebcdic formate through SFTP only, because my destination server is mainframe it can read only ebcdic formate files only.
could you please help on this........

i was written code as bellow but its taking the entire dat file and writing in single line with junk characters at destiation server path file.

please any one help on this..........
sftp -v tfinftp@$v_dest_host <<Endsftp 
!dd if=$FTP_PATH/outbound/gl/$FILE_NAME1 of=$FTP_PATH/outbound/gl/$FILE_NAME1.tmp conv=ebcdic
put $FTP_PATH/outbound/gl/$FILE_NAME1 '$FILE_NAME1'
!rm $FTP_PATH/outbound/gl/$FILE_NAME1.tmp
get '$FILE_NAME1'

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Please use [code] and [/code] tags when posting code, data or logs etc. to preserve formatting and enhance readability, thanks.

Last edited by sgangadhar19; 08-19-2011 at 06:45 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 2  
Old 08-18-2011
Is the line $FILE_NAME1.tmp conv=ebcdic on a different line? Atleast it looks on a new line looking at your post.
It should be all on one line
PHP Code:
dd if=$FTP_PATH/outbound/gl/$FILE_NAME1 of=$FTP_PATH/outbound/gl/$FILE_NAME1.tmp conv=ebcdic[/CODE
---------- Post updated at 08:31 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:29 AM ----------

Never mind, it looked on a new line since OP did not use code tags.
# 3  
Old 08-18-2011
Seems others have/had this problem too:
Issue after SFTPing export file to mainframe sytem - dBforums

Does the mainframe support scp as well? Maybe this doesn't garbled the newlines to blanks.
# 4  
Old 08-19-2011
please i want to know why ebcdic formate writing in single line of out put.
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