HP-UX Certifications

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Operating Systems HP-UX HP-UX Certifications
# 1  
Old 08-12-2011
Question HP-UX Certifications


I am planning to get certified on HP-UX.

I googled about HPUX Certifications. I understand that I need to pass on exam HP0-A01 but I find many references to HP0-095.

I bought this book:
HP-UX: HP Certification Systems Administrator, Exam HP0-A01 - Training Guide and Administrator's Reference, 3rd Edition

Is there any simulator or site where I can practice HP-UX commands and technologies?

How can I prepare to this exam?

Best regards
# 2  
Old 08-12-2011
Do you have access to a HP-UX box?
Without that it will be quite a challenge...
# 3  
Old 08-12-2011
Yes, I have access.

But normally, this servers are in production environment. I may practice some commands but may not practice without being certain of what I am doing.
# 4  
Old 08-12-2011
Welcome to the club!

What kind of box have you access to?
You could always look on ebay for a cheap d class to pull apart and rebuild...
# 5  
Old 08-12-2011
I have access to 10.20 -> 11.31... We have several HPUX.

How much does a box costs at ebay?
Is there an emulator to HPUX? Or the only way is to get access to a physical server?
# 6  
Old 08-12-2011
I agree with vbe, the best way is to look for a 2nd hand machine ( some will cost under 100$) and practice on it some.

You may drop by Polarhome - gateway to freedom
They offer HP-UX Shells , But I'm not sure if they permit root access or not , I believe you may negotiate with them to get root access.
Long time a go HP Offered a program called HP Testdrive , I believe the program has been stopped I have found some articles on HP site stating that program is still up but under another name you may google it .
Also there are some sites offering some kind of temp access to practice machines for a fee.
Or you can setup a vpar on your production system
you have multiple choices
# 7  
Old 08-12-2011
A 100$ machine may run 11.31 ?

I googled for TestDrive but it was disabled. Now there is another program but it seems that we need a Partner account...

A vpar would be a great solution but I don't have the permission to do that... Smilie
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